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Bolt Action Desert War Bootcamp

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This topic contains 583 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  buggeroff 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    I’m staying at an Airbnb a few minutes walk south of Premier Inn, so count me in for a bit of staggering. I’ll be landing at Belfast city airport at 16.45 on thursday and depending on which train I manage to catch I’ll be at the airbnb quite late in the evening.

    I picked the British since I have a soft spot for 2 NZ div.

    Does anyone know when we may show up at the studio on friday?

    See you all on friday.



    Cult of Games Member

    Your probably looking  at the 18:10 from Gt Victoria Street. Gets in about 19:40



    With only a couple of days to go….do we have an idea of what models are being provided for the Bootcamp?
    Or is it meant to be a surprise?

    Have a Panzer IIIJ and good ol 88 in DAK colors ready to travel.
    Also an airbrush, voltage converter, compressor, and a bunch of paints too pack.

    Looking forward to nerding out all weekend!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m at the Bushtown Hotel. Not too too far from BoW palce….I think…….Probably should find out before thursday o>O



    Cult of Games Member

    @leifer1971 – models at the boot camp – I have pinged the guys actually several times now.   I still haven’t got an answer.  Not sure if that’s intentional.

    In fact, I’ve only recently learned for sure whether I will be getting an army.  Turns out yes.  I think I will go with DAK since I already have a British SAS / LRDG force.



    I thought maybe one of the new DAK/8th army boxes from Warlord?
    Guess we will find out soon enough.


    Cult of Games Member

    This is what I keep hearing.  Something like 40 infantry, including some MGs (MG 34s / Bren), Boys/Mauser AT rifles,  company-level mortars (German 5.0 cm, British 2″), an Opek Blitz truck, an armoured car.  600 points at first, expanded to 1000 points later in the weekend.

    I just haven’t had anything confirmed, so I felt odd even offering this much.

    But this close to the event, FUG IT!  😀 😀 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    @slugherder :

    I was wondering about the ‘start’ time for friday as well, because I don’t want to arrive too early (or too late).
    Especially when we’ve got infantry to assemble instead of a half dozen tanks.


    In one of the terrain updates they were using army boxes to measure the roads for the Tobruk table.
    They looked like the new DAK/8th army starter sets … but that doesn’t tell us anything about the entire set.
    I hope they got all the kits in and aren’t waiting for last minute stuff to arrive 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m at the premier inn, last time I tipped up @ 11am and helped the guys with the final set up but I think midday is the usual time. We’ll get our man on the inside to put in a good word for us and see if we can get in for 10am.

    over to you obergruppenfurher @oriskany ???


    Cult of Games Member

    Obergruppenführer … hmmm … not sure if we need to use that, ’cause that’s a Nazi party ranking.

    Rittmeister might be more appropiate

    wiki for the win 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @brucelea – I’ll see what I can find out.  😀

    @limburger – not sure if you were kidding or not, but this has been going on for some time now …

    I’m really hoping we can keep this thread a fun place where people can converse freely.  Telling people what jokes and verbiage “isn’t appropriate”, what symbols they can put on their vehicles, etc., might start putting people off.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know you’re heart’s in the right place, but I’d caution against taking it too far.

    Again, if you were just kidding around (or making an astute historical observation that Waffen SS units did not fight as part of DAK or PanzerArmee Afrika) – disregard.  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany your breakdown of the forces does seem to match the starter sets,  be interesting to see what @warzan has organised as they have kept it close to the chest even from you.

    We might get an idea of starting time from @dignity if we can coax him down the pub on Thursday night after they have finished setting up, though that can be quite late.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m usually on-site for boot camps by early afternoon on Thursday and can attest there’s no such thing as getting finished setting up “early.”  It’s balls-to-the-wall right up until the last minute.  😀  There’s just sooooo much to do.  Even if the team gets done early, there’s always another “would be nice” idea to tackle with that little scrap of surplus time.



    @torros I hope you’re right. I should probably have more faith in airlines and airports. ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger apologies if the use of rank offended, that was not my intent, more that it is simply the most pompous sounding German rank I know and is actually a joke name a lot of British soldiers based in Germany used to use to call their wives during the Cold War era.

    I am well aware of the atrocities the Waffen SS did during WW2 and trust me when I say that I would never belittle the memory of any of those victims.

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