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Bolt Action Desert War Bootcamp

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This topic contains 583 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  buggeroff 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    “Und zis is Oberleutant von Klausewitz. As you can see he hasn’t had his beer yet and is angry …”


    Cult of Games Member

    @oriskany already have LRDG and foot painted up, will try and post them, did have photos of them all that were published in minature wargames but cant find them on any of my devices. They were the old Cheiftain models for vehicles and Artizan for figs. Uuedto know the owner designer Ian Crouch or Crouchie, ended up with a lot of free jeeps as he intended to order 20 from the caster but put 200 by mistake, so every time I ordered something from him I got a free jeep!





    Cult of Games Member

    Any Boot Campers going to the Partizan show at Newark on Sunday?

    I’ll be there with a 20mm WW2 Normandy demo game.


    Cult of Games Member

    Awesome, @bobcockayne – seems a lot of people have 28mm LRDG lists.  I was interested in starting just a small LRDG force because (a) they’re special forces, the average real LRDG patrol was very very small, (b) just starting out in Bolt Action and 28mm in general (c) Bolt Action seems to work best for small skirmishes and firefights, cinematic games, rather than history-heavy set-piece battles (much more my bread and butter)/  In short, the LRDG seems to be a perfect fit for Bolt Action.


    Cult of Games Member

    Not tried it with Bolt action, used Nuts when the last had outing, test game with just foot figures attacking an Italian base,

    Found the lack of figures with Rifles (only got one) caused problems had to rely on lmgs to  suprress the Italians so that we cold get the rest in in close for Smg to be effective, did become an interesting tactical problem. would have been a lot easier if we could have put the vehicles hull down and use their guns to support.


    Cult of Games Member

    Interesting most people don’t know the LRDG carried on after the desert war, but were the LRSG as they use boats to infiltrate the balkans and med islands, worked well with Tito’s partizans but had problems with the equivalent in Albania.

    Apparently every last jack of them volunteered for Korea but not one could figure any way they could operate with out sticking out like a sore thumb.



    Cult of Games Member

    looks like there will be a lot of LRDG there …lol I am bringing my SAS/LRDG Combo

    Jeeps and Chevys lots of fun 🙂

    I am also going to have a regular Desert Rats Army with odd tank



    Cult of Games Member

    Found the old photos on the old Mongrols site and have put them in the project 37 years a wargamer:

    37 years a gamer


    Cult of Games Member


    @oriskany, from the other thread (mainly because I couldn’t find out how to post a picture in that thread ?), behold I tell the truth! Plus a magazine supplement for panzer battles that my teacher gave me in (ahem,) 1979 that first got me hooked on war gaming. I hadn’t got a clue about most of the rules but it had panther tanks…..sold!

    All that hex and counter goodness mmmmm nice!!

    Also just noticed  the small map in the top right corner is Action near Gazala 26th May 1942. 2nd battalion, 15 Panzer Division against the County of London Yeomanry. The Germans have 1st & 2nd Coys in PZ III, 3rd Coy in PZ IV(E) CS and a recce Plt of PZ II. The British have A & C Sqn with Crusader II (with some CS variants) and good old Grants filling out B Sqn. That might be an interesting tussle ??

    Also a bit of WW2.5 goodness but to be honest I prefer your version (as long as I can be a sneaky as before).


    Cult of Games Member

    @brucelea – okay, now I have to log a technical support ticket with BoW – demanding to know WHY I CANNOT PUT +50 THUMBS UP ON A POST ! ! !

    50 thumbs up


    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    Panzer Leader … Panzer Leader … Panzer Leader … I can’t help but chant the name Panzer Leader …

    @brucelea – A few years ago I took Brian Train’s publication on Panzer Leader, where he retrofitted Arab-Israeli Wars rules mechanics back into WW2 units and published “Desert Leader” – pretty much a custom-made expansion for the Desert War in Panzer Leader using improved core rules.

    Well, I improved it further, but adding another 30 or so designed scenarios to the 13 scenarios in Brian Train’s Desert Leader.

    We wound up with five scenarios just for the Gazala battles you mention.  This was the biggest one, it features 7th Armoured but NOT on its best day by far.  I’m not proposing something this big (this game took like 8 hours if memory serves), nor do we have to pick an asymmetrical  “Black Saturday at Knightsbridge” kind of battle where the 7th Armoured starts off knee-deep in $h*t, but it shows the kind of thing we can EASILY do in free gaming Sunday if you are interested.


    Cult of Games Member

    Cracking photo @oriskany, last time I saw it, it was being used in a military map reading lesson as a caption competition. If memory serves the most common one was either

    “how many officers does it take to read a map?”

    or, “are you sure that is where the enemy are sir? If I recall, that’s the direction we came from”

    however, I offer up:

    ”l’m telling you! The bloody bar is that way! Just follow that tall bearded Northern Irishman over there. Which one Sir? they’ve all got beards? The one that always has his finger on his bottom lip like Shirley Temple, that’s who. He’s like a chuffing homing pigeon!”

    over to you all, captions please ?




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