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Best Youtube videos to learn Warhammer the Old World?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 4 months, 1 week ago.

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    This week-end I will be teaching Warhammer the Old World to two newcomers to the hobby. It is a rule heavy game, so I am a bit worried about the experience for them..

    Do you have any suggestions for good Youtube videos on how to play the game for newcomers?

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    I just was able to finally get the rule book and the O&G army book. I’ve been waiting since release day for the core book.

    as far as the rules go, I’ve played since 5th edition fantasy, up until the Age of Shitmar – I quit at the “End Times”.

    my advice? Keep it simple. Rule of 4 – it wins on a 4. And, if you want your new players to come back, “always let the Wookiee win”; meaning of course, DO NOT try to be the gamer – under all circumstances, your friends should be enthralled into the game because they won! Hooray!

    crush them – next time. ?



    Good advice ?

    We will be five players total, so I was thinking for our few games to go with smaller games (1000 to 1500 pts). Also, I will put the new players in charge of a few units and not the whole army at the beginning.


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s the best way to do it – a whole army under command can be overwhelming. Your players will also collaborate that way and learn faster.

    Strip the rules down to basics, simplicity to start is your friend. Definitely have a set-piece type of battle where you can sort of predict what’s going to happen. Making it more narrative can help. The players will feel they’re part of the story being told with their armies!

    And have fun. I think my rule book finally shipped today, I am definitely looking forward to getting back into Fantasy!



    How much time it will take to learn Warhammer? I’m totally new and want to focus on it now. Thank you!



    Square Based do great videos



    I will check the Square Based videos, thanks for the reference 🙂

    It is a very “rule heavy” game. However, if you strip it down to basics (movement, combat resolution) with small and simple army list, you should get going after an hour or two of playing.

    We had two new players over the week-end and they picked up the main rules fairly quickly.

    The only issue is the game has a lot of rules and finicky details, so even after playing like 6-7 games, we still had to check some specific rules in the book…



    Cult of Games Member

    Pretty sure @benecoy @brennon is a spammer. Fits the spam mold.

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