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Beasts of War – OnTableTop – Phase III: Time for speculations and conspiracies

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This topic contains 93 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  limburger 1 month, 4 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Let’s collect our thoughts on the Phase III that was talked about on the XLBS from November 10th 2024. @warzan did say it’s in it’s infancy so here we can spitball *everything*

    [Obviously this is more of a fun sh*t talk about the future so don’t take anything too serious. Unless you’re part of the team and like the ideas we’re proposing here]

    What I would like for Phase III

    • A PROPER FLOCKING FORUM. Not a WP plug-in like what we use now. (It’s a pipe dream I know)
    • Looking at the footer: get rid of all the “[Coming Soon]” links. Add them when they are active. Less promises more focus.
    • Merch!
    • Did I mention “a forum”?

    So that’s my match on the can of gas for the time being. Chime in! Make this thread blow up! BLOW UP!


    Fire! FIRE! 8)


    Cult of Games Member

    Dare I suggest a Project system that doesn’t lose all of your content when you upload it and require you to do it all again? (And yes, I do put it all into a separate document first and cut and paste to avoid the rage that I’ve felt before).

    And I would like to see a good implementation of ‘find a local gaming buddy’ or similar. There’s been previous attempts but it would be great if there were some way of finding new, local gamers (because I’ve offended all the ones I know).



    I didn’t know there was a phase I and II.

    Phase III is last time there’s anything good and once you get past the Endgame and start phase IV it turns to crap.

    Or does that only apply to marvel and not BoW?

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by  pagan8th.

    Cult of Games Member

    Phase I was BeastOfWar

    Phase II is OnTableTop

    Phase IV is a great movie!


    Cult of Games Member

    1. Functioning projects section.

    2. Functioning forum






    I do recall seeing Phase IV many years ago.


    Cult of Games Member

    May I suggest replacing the squirrels with Otters ? or mutant squirrels ? mutant otter hamster squirrel things ?

    Or replace that 9600 baud modem with something a bit faster ? 😉

    Return of the Bootcamp would be fun. Maybe a combo with ‘virtual bootcamp’ so folk who can’t afford the travel arrangements can still participate.



    Cult of Games Member

    I second @limburger ‘s suggetion re: virtual boot camps.


    Cult of Games Member

    An improved forum and project system would be great. Particularly more mobile friendly.

    I’ve been put off posting projects because formatting them correctly on the phone isn’t smooth.

    I feel like the discord killed the forum a bit though. Maybe it’s faulty memory but I think the forum went very quiet when the discord was launched. Can’t put that genie back in the bottle  I suppose.

    a refocus on the hobby projects – the vlog style content is always my favourite but I get that they’ve moved to a more remote style setup. Warren and Justin’s terrain segment in the last couple of weekenders has been great.


    Seeing ants after reading Phase IV and my mind went back to the way way back. I recall a scene of the dead ants lined up as in a cemetery but not much else. My mind goes to Day of the Animals right after that.

    We can always jump to Leonard Part VI.

    In all seriousness I think the next step is the extension of merch. We’ve all seen the presence BoW/OTT has had at cons and this is a stable media outlet for Business Daddy. Making more fun and merriment/mischief might be the reinvigoration of the fan base or shift in target audience.

    On that note I consider it to be possible that with @gorram and her projects we have achieved full gnome density and might be at the point of “Profit” sans underpants (or are we still wearing them?)


    Cult of Games Member

    Ah, yes. A good forum….

    My biggest wishes for Phase 3:

    1. Don’t make things worse for usability by making it look good. So many companies fall for this issue sadly.
    2. More and better hamsters to keep the project system working better and faster. Or just make it more efficient so that the current hamsters can cope better.
    3. Look at some of the good things that were there before COVID-19 and were lost after and try to bring them back.
    4. Bring back the Beasts of War name! Or alternatively go for Otters of War or something….


    Otters love hamsters…..


    Cult of Games Member

    My wish list:

    1. Faster, more reliable, Projects system. With some quality of life improvements.
    2. More in studio content.
    3. Yes, a better forum platform would be amazing.
    4. Bootcamps and other events. Also adds to #2, bootcamps were fun to watch from home. I just received Matthew Bickley Vikings Kickstarter and I’m a Saga virgin. You know where I’m going… Barons’ War, Warhammer Old World, Horus Heresy, BA3, Chain of Command, Battlegroup, Frostgrave, etc would do as well.

    Cult of Games Member

    Looks like “Forum” is a big topic.

    @avien I don’t think the launch/opening of discord was real *the* factor but more “the final nail” as the old BoW was (as far as I remember) a real forum. Not a wordpress plonk-in. (I call it a plonk-in because it’s not really working like a plug-in would)

    Don’t make things worse for usability by making it look good. So many companies fall for this issue sadly.

    THIS! So much this! Make this top priority!

    An another thing I’d like for Phase III:

    • Proper user validation. Make them read only until some human had that chance to look at the profile. Or do blacklist checks against sites like

    Remember children: this is a thread of wishes. A wish list if you will. Nobody is demanding anything. We don’t want to pressure the team into anything. Just making our voices heard 🙂



    Can we have world peace too please? And no idiots in charge of world powers?

    And the project system accepting uploads without timing out.


    Cult of Games Member

    My one ask has always been the return of boot camps. That could absolutely include virtual ones, too, but for me, the 3 boot camps I attended in person were the best times in the hobby.

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