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[Battletech] Scale? Terrain?

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 3 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    What mm scale does BT fit best? 10mm or 6mm or even 3mm?



    BattleTech is 1/285th scale, so 6mm is the best option. I’ve had Ral Partha BT infantry models in the past which I believe were about that scale.


    Cult of Games Member

    The BT infantry  is quite big compared to onslaught, GZG etc


    Cult of Games Member

    Tank you


    Cult of Games Member

    Well the “scale” of the Mechs do wander about a bit when they were cast in metals. So they “wander” somewhere between 10mm and 6mm at times (I seem to remember the old metal Davion and Kurita infantry models were 8mm (ish). But I’d look for scale agnostic 10mm buildings (things like hangers with BIG doors). There’s a fair bit of stuff available via shapeways for 3D printers designed for BattleTech. Of course I’m going to recommend the GeoHex terrain (if only they were to find a manufacturer here in Europe as the shipping adds 50-60% on to the cost of buying it from the US).

    On the newer plastics, not sure if the scale “wobble” has calmed down (and what official scale they settled on), basically a Locust is always cast too large, and an Atlas cast too small in the older metals range.




    You can also use Z scale railroad stuff, which is pretty cheap.


    Cult of Games Member

    @phaidnott has got it on the head, way back in the day FASA said it was 8mm which was why I raised my eyebrow when GW announced Adeptus Titanicus .

    @sundancer buildings for Dropfleet commander work well and if you can still get it the Card stock buildings they did work well.

    As there is a bit of variation in how tall the things are supposed to be, between 7 and 12 metres tall , 6mm will work.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer got a few of the buildings of their range (and some to build)

    Reasonable price and they are a lot less gothic , plus think plati craft do some nice sci buildings



    Cult of Games Member

    Those look nice but for now I’m just “looking around” and see what I can do on hex terrain 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Think you can get mats oversprayed/printed with hex markings from at least one of the main manufacturers, but it’s hills and stuff that always seems to be the problem. If someone like Anarchy did a LARGE airbrush template for doing flocked terrain (HINT, HINT) hills etc that might be a workable solution for us in Europe. Grab a load of Blue Board (and the bigger static grass applicators) and you’d be rolling 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    @plaidknott after a few practice games to get us back into it, will revert to the minatures version of game anyway( brought the rules years ago, think its 2″ to hex , and use hex side of bases for turns etc.  Find it buggers up the hex counter players and is a bit less predictable. But does mean you can use all the Dropfleet map boards with out any phaffing.


    Cult of Games Member

    We played the miniatures  version of it for a while and found the games just started taking to long with players messing about trying to get mechs to stand on hills and messing about with woods measuring ranges etc. We found for bigger games 12+ mechs a side using the hex boards decreased the playing time by about 50%

    Finding the Renegade Legion combat conversion for BT also decreased the playing time as mechs got knocked out far more quickly


    Cult of Games Member

    @torros funny we got the opposite , as we had players who tryed every possible hex location in an attempt to find optimum position, w  had to have the chess rule of remove hand from mech and you’ve moved it!

    Not seen Renegade legion but at a guess did it use the damage templates with different ones for different wpns so hits on armour would have different effects on armour. Played it once , they simplified the idea for Crimson Sky’s which despite not being 3d wasn’t a bad game that could have had legs.


    Cult of Games Member

    Sadly Crimson skies came at the end of FASA so never really had a chance

    Renegade Legion used weapon templates so lazers would go straight down while LRMs would scar the armour. We used the hand removal rule


    Cult of Games Member

    Uh, Crimson skies…. I’ve played the video game and loved it… if that where to come back, maybe as something like a pre-painted X-Wing clone, I’d be really tempted. Those plane designs are just gorgeous.

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