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[Battletech] Paint schemes?

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  gilbert 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning everyone.

    With the paintathon over and the RPQ finished I need the next hobby fix. I’d like to have my Mechs painted, the two from the Beginners Box. Griffin and Wolverine. Now me being a total newbie to the BT universe I have no clue on how to paint? Are there “rules” or guidelines? Or is it “whatever floats your boat”?



    There are a vast (VAST) assortment of “official” schemes for every house, major Merc unit, named characters, even specific lances & companies (why HIS Wolf’d Dragoon’s Black Widow Company), but equally BT revels in the creativity of your mini, paint how you like. Worst case you just need to get the hang of painting your chosen faction(s) symbol many, many times over.

    If you want a starting point, then Camo Specs has been cataloging folks BT paint schemes for years, but word of warning it’s not always the most intuitive interface. Failing that, you can do worse than look at the sorts of paint schemes that crop up in the Battletech & Mechwarrior videogames, and the schemes used on the Mechwarrior: DarkAge/Age of Destruction pre-paints.


    Cult of Games Member

    Whilst the rule of cool is definitely and always an option no matter the model. You could go with the researching a unit and go with its official scheme from these amazing rescources (seriously, BT makes 40K look super simplistic in it’s lore):

    One stop resource for all the units of the inner sphere.

    It has EVERYTHING for Battle tech.

    Tex not only has a legendery voice but delivers the lore in a beautifully sardonic way.

    Hope it helps.

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