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BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

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This topic contains 275 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  grantinvanman 1 week ago.

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    Did you see Leo posted a ‘boo hoo why are people so mean to me’ message on BGG? Most likely because he has now set up an investment company with a few hundred euro that his family loaned him. Definitely NOT your KS money.



    Cult of Games Member

    No I didn’t. Can you share a link?

    Also: why can’t I log in to BGG? What’s wrong there again!? :S


    Cult of Games Member

    You know it’s actually kinda funny – back when Monolith & Mythic went their separate ways post Conan & Mythic Battles: Pantheon, there was a general feeling that Mythic would be the ones to go from strength to strength. Instead they’ve imploded pretty spectacularly whilst Monolith have taken onboard feedback and run a succession of successful – but not over-extended – campaigns that communicate with backers and deliver in reasonable timeframes.



    I wonder where the truth is in this sorry story?



    Didn’t know mythic had failed, but not surprised. Their kickstarters were often heavy on plastic and light on decent ruleset.

    I backed Mythic Battles Pantheon the first time and just went for the base pledge. Although the minis are good (and finally painted) I was pissed off when they wanted to charge me far too much for the 1.5 upgrade pack… so I didn’t bother.

    Problem with a lot of kickstarters is that what you’re doing is effectively paying to be beta testers of the game. I’m very selective now on what I back and don’t back overseas projects as they screw you on postage… and if the product ever makes it to retail you can probably get free postage and a discount on the RRP anyway… saving money.



    Wow, another sordid KS take of woe. I made it page 4 of the comments, before just not caring.

    Sounds like Leo is truly awful, and admits as much – although I believe he didn’t intend to use the term “deceived” as he meant “disappointed” – bad translation which many glommed onto right away!

    I don’t have any skin in the MG story, either, but I sounds even worse than the Battletech one.

    The biggest irony of all this Battletech talk is that I have been looking at picking up the base game🤣


    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t let the Kickstarter put you off BattleTech @grantinvanman its still a great game(s) and for the most part the end products from CGL are very good. There’s a pretty steady and regular non Kickstarter release schedule of new things and there’s already more than enough to be going at as it stands.



    First of all, I’d like to sincerely apologize to all those who were deceived, who believed in us, who lost money, or who were simply disappointed. My thoughts are with you and I understand your disappointment and anger. 

    Nice of him to admit he deceived backers.

    The current state of CGL KS’s is beginning to look like Mythic before the fall.



    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, the Starter box is a wonderful way to get a taste of the game, the A Game of Armoured Combat is a great entry point, Clan Invasion pairs with it wonderfully, and Alpha Strike might be the best single-box entry to a game system I’ve ever held.

    Plus the fiction has been delightful, the most recent source books & TROs kick ass (well, apart from Dominions Divided because *yeesh*), and honestly the Lance & Star packs have all been pretty great.



    @tankkommander – read my prior post; the “deceived” admittance is a poor translation of “disappointed” – the verb in French is the issue.

    Why would even the worst criminal ADMIT they have deceived people?

    Literally what I said: people hang on one poor translation.

    Does not excuse his actions, though.

    @jamescutts – probably will start with “A Game of Armoured Combat” box; lots of nostalgia for 1980s Battletech it seems!


    Edit: ordered 👍



    I had a copy of Citytech once, but it seemed overly complex for a simple game of shoot the giant robot.

    I junked the game a while ago, but kept the plastics in case I ever have need of them as robots.


    Cult of Games Member

    @jamescutts it is kind of hard to support a game when the way this kickstarter is handled is done so poorly.

    I can’t recommend a game when I don’t know if or when the game itself will be available.
    And if this is how they’re handling customer service … well let’s just say I wouldn’t wish that upon my enemies.

    And there are other games within this scale that have much more potential (and friendlier companies running them).

    That is probably something that CGL are losing track off as well. Battletech isn’t the only big stompy epic warmachine game in town.

    I’m trying to be positive and hoping that these are just the kind of issues that are part of how they are managing the kickstarter, but I can’t help but feel that this is simply the result of how they have chosen to operate their business. And that does not bode well. They probably don’t know how lucky they are with customers that are this loyal after all this time. They should be really careful not to squander that good fortune.

    I do hope we get an honest and open post mortem for this kickstarter. I’m not saying that we as backers ‘deserve’ to have that, but I do think that it would be of great value to themselves as a company/team.

    (this is where we could send a Gerry to hunt them down … *eh* I mean to interview/interrogate them … )


    btw : the website famous for rating other people’s paintjobs (aka CMON) are doing a sequel to another Mythic property : Super Fantasy Brawl. Another game that like God Tear by Steamforged just happened to be released at the wrong time (slightly before or during the pandemic).



    Cult of Games Member

    I’d kind of disagree there @limburger BattleTech will far outlive CGL, its survived multiple owners over its time and many ups and downs, Kickstarter aside is having a resurgence and CGL deserver credit for that. Even if things go well off the rails the game and IP have a strong and dedicated following, I can’t see it going anywhere.



    I don’t think CGL has much of a future given how inept they seem to be at running a business. They seem to think it is okay to hate on their own fanbase.

    Battletech licence is owned by Topps. It is shown to make money, so when CGL go away someone will come along and carry on with it.

    As for Leo and his post. I see it as a freudian (or should that be ‘fraudian’?) slip 🙂



    Haha – good one!

    Battletech will survive in one form or another; wasn’t the 40th anniversary not that long ago? Not many IPs get to be that old.

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