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BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

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This topic contains 216 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  tankkommander 3 hours, 1 minute ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    2-3 weeks for manufacturing to be complete makes me think it’ll be more like mid-November by the time the stock is at the hubs. Assuming problems are minimal at Customs.
    At least though it is a big, substantial update that actually gives everyone information about where the project stands. If they’d had this level of coms say once a month or every couple of weeks, folks would be a lot less salty. 20 SKU shortages though is pretty effing bad though.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, at that size of a project/KS a “news round up” of that proportion every 4 weeks would have been what I would have expected.

    But yet here we are.



    I was thinking it couldn’t really get much worse…until the latest update 🙂

    20 items short stocked, but won’t actually reveal what they are.

    Now trying to get replacements made and shipped during the pre-christmas period.

    Not much hope of seeing anything delivered before Q1 2025.

    And some red flags which raise concerns that this will ever be delivered. CGL now has multiple unfulfilled KS projects, is also due to start new KS for an RPG. It isn’t like we have seen certain other companies fail under similar circumstances.




    Wow, this just keeps going and going – and not in a positive way.

    @tankkommander you’re right; when these kind of issues pile up, companies are like a big legal Ponzi scheme, and will eventually collapse. Last one out, turn off the lights…



    Distributors will not want dead stock sitting in a warehouse, especially before christmas. So expect the next update to be ‘we are really sorry but due to legal agreement (we won’t show you) we have HAD to allow stock to go to retailers before all of the backers get their stuff’.



    Cult of Games Member

    They mentioned some sort of challenge coin as being ‘not in stock’ and gave backers an option to contact QML to have it refunded instead.

    Of all the dumb things they’ve done that’s another one to add to the list.

    Meanwhile we got FreeLeague telling backers of one of their campaigns that due to a mistake they were short on a specific item and they’re simply refunding folk affected unless they indicate that they want to wait the x amount of time for it to be shipped.

    Scale75 having issues shipping the airbrushes … they told us it was because they were having financial issues which meant they were being extra frugal when paying for stuff which ended up affecting their delivery of their kickstarter. It’s not nice to hear these things, but … at least they had the guts to admit that they had made mistakes and were fixing it. (of course some backers being the *beeps* they are they start shouting ‘scam’ and ‘fraud’ so even with this info in hand but that kind of negative attitude can’t ever be fixed … )

    With this kickstarter all I’m seeing is one miscommunication after another with no real attempt at fixing anything.

    I suspect the existing fan base of Battletech is buying enough product for them to survive this mishandling of the kickstarter ?

    Any other company would be dead in the water by now.



    CGL are due to start at least 2 new KS projects (Frost Punk RPG and Voltron RPG), whilst having multiple undelivered KS projects. And they constantly use the excuse that they are a small company with only a few staff.



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