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Aztecs from Wargames Atlantic

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1755631

    Here are some test pieces I am working on. They are Wargames Atlantic Aztecs 28mm plastic. I haven’t decided on how I want to base the miniatures yet.



    Here are some test pieces I am working on. They are Wargames Atlantic Aztecs 28mm plastic. I haven’t decided on how I want to brace the miniatures yet.




    I decided to base the Aztecs with a jungle theme and I think I achieved it. I used plastic aquarium plants, ferns that I made , and reindeer moss.




    loving the junglism on the bases it’s really set off the paint jobs


    Thank you very much I really appreciate it!



    I was a bit concerned they were flat in detail from some of the YouTube videos but you’ve done a superb job with them!



    thank you ! if you are talking about the shields being flat ? If so there is a flat side and a textured side . I decided to use the flat side to do the freehand work , it was a lot easier than the textured side.


    Great work Alfonso. I look forward to seeing the whole box on a board



    i appreciate the comment but what’s with all the other comments and video on subjects not related this forum entry.  I really don’t understand why you posted this on my forum page . I really don’t want all these people replying to this and filling up my notifications with material not related to my post.
    i would really appreciate it you would remove this , thank you.


    I edited the post as requested but a project would be more fitting to keep a cohesive and sandboxed format of updates for a singular purpose.



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