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AWI British Uniform Color Suggestions

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  smitty14 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Well I’m taking the plunge into gaming the American War of Independence and my gaming partner has claimed the Colonials so that means I’ll be gaming with the British.  I’ve decided to go with the 5th Regiment of Foot.  My main question, to start with anyway, is what color suggestions do you guys have for the red coats?  I use Vallejo or Army Painter paints so suggestions from those ranges would be great.

    Any other suggestions on colors would be welcome also.

    We will be starting off with Musket and Tomahawks for rules then moving up to either Sharpe’s Practice or Black Powder when our collection grows.


    Cult of Games Member



    I don’t game it but people in the know suggest

    Vallejo flat red
    AP strong tone  or dark tone wash depending on your preference
    Highlight Vallejo scarlet


    Cult of Games Member

    My old mate Ken (Yarkshire Gamer) had put up this painting guide that you might find helpful for AWI. Plus there’s LOTS of “eye candy” photos to keep you inspired (he really has too much AWI….it’s redonkulus) 😀



    @torros and @phaidknott

    Thanks to both of you!  I appreciate it.  phaidknott thanks for the link.  I took a quick look at it and it looks awesome.  Some inspiration is always a helpful.  Good thing your friend has a AWI addiction.  LOL!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve painted a few AWI minis and British Napoleonics (and FIW Biritsh). One big thing I do is undercoat the minis white and pick out the red. A lot of the mini is white, breeches, waistcoat ect.

    You’ll save a lot of time “touching up” the white which can take several coats to fix even a small spot.





    I would recommend the Andrea Color Red paint set, served me well with my AWI, no mixing needed and you don’t have to use all 6 reds you can pick and mix.


    Hope it helps.



    Thanks Dylan!  I was actually going to take that approach or do an undercoat of light gray then paint the white in using the gray as a “shade” effect.

    @carabus – Thanks for the suggestion it does help.  I’m going to check it out for sure.

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