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Asmodee Germany closes its forum

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 year, 7 months ago.

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  • #1823442

    Cult of Games Member

    Today Asmodee Germany announced that they will be closing their official forum at the end of June 2023.

    Dear Forum Community,

    This forum has now existed for almost 16 years. Despite various social media platforms, Discord, more general discussion forums, etc., we have held on to the in-house forum for a long time and wanted to continue to provide you with this platform for exchanging ideas with each other.

    However, as you will have noticed, there is hardly any moderation in this forum and questions are not answered by Asmodee employees. This was never really intended, as the forum was meant to be a platform for you to exchange ideas among yourselves and not an exchange with Asmodee employees.

    The exchange between the members here in the forum, however, only takes place to a small extent (compared to a few years ago). This is certainly due to the further development of Web 2.0 and also to the general progress of the digital world.
    Furthermore, the forum is more and more frequently infested by spam bots, whose contributions have to be moderated away.

    For this reason, we have decided with a heavy heart to shut down this forum on 30.6.2023.

    In the meantime, there are numerous groups on Facebook (Lord of the Rings, Arkham LCG, Legion, X-Wing, Shatterpoint and many more) where the community can discuss among themselves.

    If you are looking for contact with Asmodee, you can find us on our own social media channels, all of which you can find on our website.

    Thank you all for the past years.

    Your Asmodee Forums Team.

    Original text:

    Liebe Foren-Community,

    fast 16 Jahre lang besteht dieses Forum nun. Trotz diverser Social-Media-Plattformen, Discord, allgemeineren Diskussionsforen usw. haben wir lange Zeit am hausinternen Forum festgehalten und wollten euch diese Plattform zum Austausch miteinander weiterhin zur Verfügung stellen.

    Wie ihr aber sicherlich bemerkt habt, findet kaum noch eine Moderation in diesem Forum statt und Fragen werden durch Asmodee-Mitarbeiter auch nicht beantwortet. Das war auch so nie wirklich vorgesehen, denn das Forum sollte euch eine Plattform zum Austausch untereinander sein und keinen Austausch mit Asmodee-Mitarbeitern sein.

    Der Austausch der Mitglieder hier im Forum findet allerdings nur noch in geringem Maße (im Vergleich zu vor einigen Jahren) statt. Dies liegt sicherlich an der Weiterentwicklung des Web 2.0 und auch am generellen Fortschritt der digitalen Welt.
    Ferner wird das Forum immer häufiger von Spam-Bots heimgesucht, deren Beiträge wegmoderiert werden müssen.

    Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns nun schweren Herzens entschieden, dass wir dieses Forum zum 30.6.2023 abschalten werden.

    Zur Diskussion der Community untereinander gibt es mittlerweile zahlreiche Gruppen auf Facebook (Herr der Ringe, Arkham LCG, Legion, X-Wing, Shatterpoint uvm), in denen ein regerer Austausch zwischen den Mitgliedern stattfindet.

    Sucht ihr den Kontakt zu Asmodee, findet ihr uns auf unseren eigenen Social-Media-Channeln, die ihr alle auf unserer Website findet.

    Vielen Dank allen für die letzten Jahre.

    Euer Asmodee-Foren-Team.


    This is sadly a sign of the times. Forum die and wither, die and get closed. I don’t like this trend. Especially since the forums always felt more personal than big social media channels.

    Here’s to an old friend!



    Can’t say I used this particular forum, but sure the trend is clear and it’s unfortunate. Companies make it easy for themselves to defer everything onto Facebook which is pretty poor show. Not everyone wants or is going to use it.



    Asmodee turned its back on their customers a long time ago. This is just the latest manifestation.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m not surprised. the time of the forum has passed really. the best bit about forums is that you can easily go through and find useful information years after the fact. sadly it is neigh impossible to do that (from a users point of view) with social media because after 5 mins the data is irrelevant in the eyes of the platform.


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s why I’m going to keep making my posts here. And keep my forum running. And if it’s only for myself.


    The posts here have more of a media response and interaction with community. There seems to be more life in the interplay instead of a constant production from “content creators”.


    Cult of Games Member

    That is the very definition of an echo chamber there pundancer! keeping your forum running for just you, shout into the void and still hear some dissent haha


    Cult of Games Member

    I reject your reality and substitute my own!

    With Black Jack and hookers!



    considering their parent company is in the process of shutting down close to 100 games companies with thousands of staff about to be shit canned I can’t say I’m massively surprised. I would expect more fat trimming to be incoming.


    Cult of Games Member


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