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Asian Fantasy Wargaming KS or What to do with fantasy Chinese

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  bvandewalker 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    So with the Kensi Katai empire KS finished and funded and Watchful I Studio’s Terracotta army KS funded and in the home streach (If you are interested check it out before it ends and check out their store as you can get their other items).  So its been a good year for chinese KSs, I backed both and am now thinking Frostgrave asia, others are thinking Vanguard (some one made a 200 point list on the Watchful I Studio KS comments thread that costs $55), and of course Kings of War and 9th age.

    So what fantasy war games would you use Chinese troops for? also Are their any slash, stab, and early shotte Asian armies that you would want see on the game table?



    Would be fairly easy to build a force for Of Gods and Mortals, Saga:Age of Magic and Warlords of Erehwon with the rank and file, you’d just need to add the mystical characters and creatures you want to give you your fantasy flavour.  I don’t know much about the mythology or history of that region though, so any reading suggestions would be appreciated.


    Cult of Games Member

    Kings of War Kingdoms of Men (I have seen Japanese troops used in the same way)

    They could definitely be used in Saga Age of Magic or Warlords of Erewhohn or Thud and Blunder.



    The 9th Age has rules for a ‘terracotta army’ specifically within their Undying Dynasties book.

    I’ve seen people also run asian themed armies as elves, Empire, etc… theres a lot of options for players.



    Saga age of magic? thought that was limited run rule set. Which lists would fit this?


    Cult of Games Member

    @bvandewalker SAGA AoM is the opposite it’s basically a generic “Fantasy” set of army lists that you choose from.

    I don’t have the book with me but there are absolutely good fits for the Terracotta Army.

    As far as I know it’s a permanent addition/expansion not limited




    Really, man I guess I need to check saga out then.

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