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AoS – matched play/pitched battle question

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  davehawes 6 years, 5 months ago.

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    Never played AoS, bought the new box, matched play rules don’t explain at all how to read the battle of glymmsforge pitched battle profiles. There’s a min and max, for some unit also two points costs, for others just one. What does that mean?

    Let’s make an example to clarify, Castigators min 3 max 18, costs 80/400. What if i have two units of 4?

    glaivewraith stalkers, min 5 max 15 cost 80. It’s 80 points every 5 models? What if i have 9 in total?

    kind of weird they didn’t include any explanation on how this works…





    The points are to be read as follows;

    min 3 max 18, costs 80/400


    castigators: a unit has a minimum of 3 models, and a maximim of 18 models in a unit.

    the cost is 80 points per 3 models , alternatively 400 points for the full maximum of 18 models. (a discount for a full model count, if you will)

    so if you have 6 models, you pay 160 points, 9 models cost 240 points etc.

    If you have an odd number of models,  (eg 4 or 5 models) you pay the full points cost as if you have the higher x3 number.

    in the case of 4 or 5 models, it costs the same as 6 models., in the case of 7 or 8 models, it costs the same as 9 models, and so on.


    Your two units of 4 would cost 160p each , the same as two units of 6.  Might be better to run them as 1 unit of 5 and one unit of 3


    glaivewraith stalkers, min 5 max 15 cost 80. It’s 80 points every 5 models? What if i have 9 in total?

    80 for every 5 is correct, if you have 9 it costs 160, just like if you have 10 models.

    There is also no discount for a maximum model count unit here, as there is no slash and a second number in the points cost.



    This info is in the Generals Handbook, matched play section. It is strange if they have not explained it in the base set booklets since they print the points stats there.

    Hope this helps.




    Thanks, this is very useful indeed. The only reason I can think of why they didn’t put it in the core rulebook is because this format might change in the future and keep it outside core could help, on the other hand why not put this explanation in the little book with the costs is beyon my comprehension ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, this also really threw me until I read the Generals Handbook!

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