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Any thoughts on Warlord's new Achtung Panzer game ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Any thoughts on Warlord's new Achtung Panzer game ?

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  brutalcities 10 months, 3 weeks ago.

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    I am potentially interested, a lot will depend on how it plays out.  I think they are intending a slow burn on generating interest, which is not the current norm.

    I don’t have or use a lot of tanks for bolt action so box is not an issue for me, but good to see them providing rules only option.

    Realistically though not picking it up pre-order or on launch.  Too many projects, games etc to consider another right now.  Plus others on the horizon that could tempt me.



    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been following along, its certainly got my interest, I like tanks and I like tank games. I won’t be pre ordering it but its certainly up on my list, I’ve got a load of potential 20mm or 15mm vehicles that I’d probably use.

    For the game itself it seems interesting enough to be a fun game, the obvious comparison is What a Tanker, this as expected looks to do things slightly differently and from what has been previewed I like the look of some of the mechanics, particularly the addition of the cards.  Will this replace What a Tanker for people, probably not, will people who play bolt action be more likely to pick it up, most likely. At face value it seems like another choice for gamers, which im all in favour for, not everyone likes Lardie games, in the same way not everyone likes Warlords games so I don’t have any issues with it.

    In terms of the “release” at £100 RRP for the starter kit, if you have nothing its good value, 5 tanks at £20 a pop is cheaper than the generally going rate of them individually plus you get some rules and terrain to boot, even if you never play the game but you want the tanks I’d say its worth picking up. Ultimately it is mostly just a way to drive sales though, people new buy tanks, and then possibly look into bolt action, those with bolt action buy more tanks. That said the offering seems reasonably compressive out of the box(s).

    That said if you already have tanks or don’t need more then its not as good of an offering, that said Warlord have strongly hinted they have heard the community feedback and a rules only option will be on the way!


    Cult of Games Member

    I just ordered the rule book with the cards / tokens for US, UK, Germany & Russian forces ($122 Canadian ) , considering I have 50 plus tanks each for UK , Germany & Russia I thought it was a better deal than rule book and one country’s tokens for $80 Can .  I guess now it’s wait till things are released in April , that should give me time to build some of the 40 odd tank kits clogging up my shelves


    Cult of Games Member

    If only they could find two staff members, some tanks and a camera they could make a video… Maybe somebody living nearby can offer them some tank models if they don`t own any ?



    15mm is better scale for tank combat


    Cult of Games Member

    @brutalcities you only say that because you sell 15mm terrain 😉 #scnr



    @sundancer Hahah, touche! And I need to sell a lot more of it to keep the photons obliterating that MDF!

    I do have some bolt action tanks too!

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