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Any thoughts on Warlord's new Achtung Panzer game ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Any thoughts on Warlord's new Achtung Panzer game ?

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    Cult of Games Member

    After 10 years plus of Warlord making plastic tank kits  and Bolt Action players buying them , we don’t need a game in which you get 5 more tanks IMO .   It isn’t that I don’t like tanks , I do . A lot .Sitting here looking at the 16 1/56 scale T-34/85s on my shelf , maybe to much . But I was hoping the game was going to be an overall type rule book and then a separate book , with cards and tokens/dice  for each major combatant ( like SAGA ) . But no , you get 5 tanks , a couple of those ruined farmhouse kits and stowage plus all the rules etc .  The BA players in my area are divided on the game , with the guys who have a couple of tanks  interested , those of us with too many tanks , giving it as pass . What do you guys think ?



    I play ‘What a Tanker’ from Two Fat Lardies. Couple or three tanks a player, from one to three or four players a side (or more)

    It works well, doesn’t need cards and there is a Facebook page for support and community.


    Cult of Games Member

    It would have been nice if there was an option to just buy the rulebook, tokens and whatever faction cards you want.

    However given that new players are going to want more tanks the options we’re being given are both good and bad.
    Good : you get one box with all the bits you need.
    Bad: when you buy a different faction you still need the starter set to get the rules … and will have at least one faction too many.

    I like that this appears to be a game that focuses on the crew side of things in a tank.

    The simple fact that Tank War! and this game will continue to exist is kind of weird even though according to them this will be less ‘bolt action but with tanks’.

    The bigger issue is the scale of the game.
    IMHO tankwarfare works better at 15mm. At that scale the assembly is a lot easier as well (heck … World of Tanks has pre-assembled and pre-primed tanks … )

    As for the game … we’ll have to wait and see.

    — edit —

    If you pre-order you do get the rulebook in digital format … so technically you would not have to buy the starter set.

    There does appear to be no way to get the faction specific tank stats without buying the faction boxes, which sucks if you’ve already got tanks.


    Cult of Games Member

    They did good on the social media hype build up.

    Then I looked at the box.

    Meh, not for me.


    Cult of Games Member

    I guess if one my friends get it , I’ll check it out , but I’m not optimistic .  What a Tanker looks interesting , rule book ordered


    Cult of Games Member

    Could this year be : “Year of the Tank” ?
    ’cause we got Clash of Steel too …


    Cult of Games Member

    Its its “any good” then like others i have 28mm tanks and 15mm tanks..Warlord did say that later on there be a rulebook/token option coming, they starting with a starter set… which as others said…”I already got tanks”..

    But…I`m shocked they they is no videos at all of the game…they have all the items needed to show it off, but no videos and I think for me personally this is a bad move. Hoe many are just waiting to see if its worth a buy…videos should have been out on the same day or a week before…. So a “failed start” in my eyes….

    I`m just waiting for a demo video….and  waiting


    Cult of Games Member

    I hadn’t heard that Warlord was going to release just the rules / tokens  at a later date , I’ll be keeping an eye out for it . They really should be playing this on their YouTube channel ,to give us an idea of how it plays .

    I think if the starter box had been a couple of new tanks , say plastic Panzer IIs vrs plastic Renault /Hotchkiss , or plastic T-26s that would have given those of us with tanks incentive to buy , if only to get new plastics . At least I would have bought it


    Cult of Games Member

    Quick copy and paste from Warlord facebook page – Warlord GamesWe understand a great many players already have their own Bolt Action tank collections and we haven’t forgotten you! Look out for more pre-order options including the rulebook in the very near future!


    Cult of Games Member

    Sweet !


    Cult of Games Member

    They should have looked at Mantics’ antics … they’ve done a “veteran player” pre-order when they revealed the Firefight and Deadzone preorders.

    Maybe they need to hire a popular youtuber to do their promotional videos as well 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    Todays news (21st Feb) – We’ve been blown away by the interest everyone’s shown in Achtung Panzer! since pre-orders went live on Friday, and while it was always in our plans to release the rulebook and card packs individually, the interest in these was so great that we’ve moved them up in the schedule! The British and German Tank Forces are now available to pre-order, and the rulebook and cards will be available from Friday! 


    Cult of Games Member

    Seems to me they didn’t get any input from BA players before releasing the game and are now trying to correct . Good for them listening to the gamers and I will be eagerly checking out their web site on Friday for info


    Cult of Games Member

    Maybe they didn’t think of asking Bolt-action players because

    (1) they already have Tank War if they wanted to play a tank-focused game …

    (2) Warlord wanted to target a different audience ?

    Predicting what will and won’t work can be tricky for a small company.


    Cult of Games Member

    From the comments  on Warlord’s Facebook page it seems certain  gamers  ie. guys with tanks were looking forward to this , so I assume that Tank War wasn’t scratching that tank vs tank combat itch . And when they found out it wasn’t just a rule book / token set ,  but had tank kits in the box , tanks that some of us have had for close to 10 years , they got a little up tight . Hopefully Fridays news release will calm the waters and give us a option to get just the rules /tokens at a decent price

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