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Any cool hooded or short haired fantasy mini suggestions?

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions Any cool hooded or short haired fantasy mini suggestions?

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  balginstondraeg 4 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi everybody,

    I’m looking for some cool new mini’s to use with rangers of shadow deep. I saw the figures from North Star, but they are to small for my taste. I usually have figures between reaper mini and darksword miniatures in size…

    I was wondering if you could help me find some new mini’s which don’t have long hair… got enough of those and it seems that all fantasy figures live in a world without barbers…

    i got to find some new male warrior/ranger mini’s with short hair of a hood… I already checked out the reaper mini and dark sword line…but maybe there are some other cool brands I should check out?



    Sounds like Hasslefree Miniatures might suit your needs. They’re around the size you’re looking for (with a slight tendency towards smaller although, if you’re using Dark Sword minis, then Hasslefree shouldn’t look that small in comparison, some of the Reaper figs are quite large ‘though). There is a tendency towards oversized weapons but also quite a few of them have short to medium length hair.

    There’s a few examples for you.


    Might as well throw in these too.




    Thanks for your suggestions!!! I’ll check them out 🙂

    other suggestions are still welcom, it’s always fun to learn about new cool mini companies I’ve missed 🙂



    You might also want to check Thunderbolt Mountain. It’s Tom Meier’s personal miniatures line (mostly historical but some fantasy as well). Tom Meier did most of the early Dark Sword Minis sculpts along with Dennis Mize (you can always tell the Mize eyes). Tom’s sculpts are generally really good and if you like the Dark Sword Miniatures range then you’ll probably like his personal stuff too.


    [Edit] It seems Tom shut down Thunderbolt Mountain as it wasn’t making enough money for him and he can continue working for Dark Sword. You can still find some places that have parts of the Thunderbolt Mountain range in stock here and there.


    Are Mithril Miniatures still around? If so some of them might also suit your needs.[/Edit]



    Yeah, Thunderbold shut down.  From talking to him, I got the impression that he was casting the minis himself and the sales they got didn’t make it worth his time.

    There were some really charming minis among his range- I am especially fond of the little girl fairies he sculpted.

    Tom’s faces are far and away the best in gaming scale.  He did most of the Dark Sword Song of Fire and Ice characters.

    For other companies that can fit in well with Dark Sword and Reaper- take a gander at Bombshell Miniatures (Patrick Keith’s line).  They’re pretty nice, though not as wide a range just yet.

    You also should have a look at CMON’s Song of Fire and Ice line. That is done in conjunction with Dark Sword.  I haven’t actually held any of the minis for it yet, but I would expect them to be to scale with Dark Swords’ other minis.



    Reaper will have what you need, and has a good search engine to narrow down what you want.



    I’ve got a box of CMON’s Night Watch. They’re significantly taller than Dark Sword’s Song of Ice and Fire range by about a head but with Dark Sword style realistic proportions.

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