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An Iron Man challenge

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This topic contains 40 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Section 4: Men of Minas Tirith (12)

    These were also done surprisingly quickly. They are also 90% finished. I need to touch up the black and do the bases. They are based on the Warriors of Minas Ithil in the Middle Earth: Shadow of War (Ill be doing an entire army like this), so less silver, more black+red+gold. Also, I fixed one of the messed up shields in the photos:



    Section 5: Denizens of Goblin Town (38)

    Despite the numbers, these guys were fun to do too. Their skin was done as per the goblin king: sprayed Zandri dust, seraphim sepia, Zandri dust drybrush, and two more drybrush higlights of Tyrant Skull (or was it one, or one and Praxeti white? Hmmmm)…

    And I tell a lie. I did a different wash on each batch of six or eight. So some have brown, flesh, green, blue or red hues. I think it breaks them up nicely.

    I also did their base rims black. That may not sound like a lot of work, but there were so many!



    Section 6: Thorin Oakenshield & Company, and Radagast too! (16)

    I will do a picture tomorrow. Basically I primed them and they got two coats of Buhmans Glow on their skin and two highlights of Cadian Fleshtone. There is not a whole lot to show off. Pics to follow, again since it is late and I have work early and need to sleep.



    So, in summary this was a fun exercise. I will try and complete a good bit of this and give it a week, maybe, before I attempt a fresh batch. Or, give myself another 24 hours and see how much progress I can do. For now, I will complete: Crow Skull, the Goblin King, and the Warriors of Minas Tirith. That will bring me up to 22% (along with the already completed barricades). This will be in the afternoon (since it technically is tomorrow for me).


    What else? After day one and painting for eight hours with normal stuff like the bathroom, coffee, replacing paint water and eating thrown in, my wrists and forearms hurt, and my left thumb felt weird.


    I will also work on the skin of the Mordor Orcs after completing the above and the skin of Thorin and Company too. The Goblin Town Goblins I will come to last. I still need to figure out what I want my Orcs army to look like: classical, something Angmar inspired by the GW stock themed army or the one in the War of the Ring book, or perhaps base it on the Shadow of War colour schemes which are a tad brighter (and mildly reminiscent of 1990s GW Orcs, at least the ones on the Minas Ithil level are).


    As for the next 100… Necromunda, Star Wars Legion, some Space Marines and Orks, perhaps…


    I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this project.



    Okay one last thing… Also some are already primed or have had some paint done, but Im not too bothered.


    Possible Sci-f Challenge:

    • Boba Fett (1)
    • Star Wars Legion Starter (33) Rebels and Imperials
    • Necromunda (52 ) Barricades, terrain, Goliaths and Eschers

    That leaves 14 other models to cram in. Maybe another 12 Warriors of Minas Tirith and a couple of other Straggler minis? Two BMG minis, maybe…


    Cult of Games Member

    Those Warriors of Minas look really good . And the those goblins look pretty good too . I like the way you gave different bunches , different washes so they don’t all look the same  , most hoard army type  figures tend to look like clones of each other . You are just painting like a made fiend …well done


    All I could think of when I saw the Star Wars barriers was the Weyland Corporation logo. Good to see how it all came together and congrats for survival. I would say that if you do a Fett for December I’ll do a Fett for December. Then again I’m not going to go all out crazy with the 100 minis in 24 hrs. Armies are great for the sheer visual scale but have the downside of painting all of it. This makes me think that the Warma-Hordes community ruling that bare plastic minis are acceptable in tournament play (if I remember properly) might be one of the reasons they have a leg up against GW’s 3 color minimum.



    Ill have to re-look at the Weyland Corp log and the barriers again then. Thanks dude. I would like to do Fett sooner, but I may take you up on that. I want dups and to convert more legion stuff.


    Im gonna complete a few of the above and do another 100 in a week or two, maybe, I think. To be fair with one evening of work I can complete a nice bit of stuff above.


    Cult of Games Member

    At least if you get some AVP stuff you know how to do the Weyland logo 🙂 Love the goblins, hope we get a big group shot of the LOTR stuff soon.






    Finished the warriors of minas Tirith


    touched up the black and didn’t need to fix   It from scratch either. Did a laquer  effect in the end as opposed to silver chipping. Would have been overkill with the silver helmets, shoulder armour, gold and red.


    needs to dry overnight and they will get based in the morning.


    also finished the skin on the orcs.


    next up is an old dwarf, hobbit, wizard and goblin. Pics to follow tomorrow

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