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All kinds of everything remind me of Blood Bowl!

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This topic contains 147 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  rickabod41 1 year, 5 months ago.

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    Khorne BB Fluff

    Some back ground on the new Khorne team. The usual Blood Bowl Warhammer Community fluff to be fair.



    Khorne Stats


    didn’t take long for our answer!



    In terms of esports games, Blood Bowl 2 is an excellent product which I find to be extremely refined and feature-rich. The out-of-the-box engine used to run tournaments is amazing (some players who actually play leagues may be a bit uncomfortable however I am looking at BB2 in relation to other games) Tuning in to matches is simple and watching replays of your own isn’t difficult too. In addition you can create custom teams to play against each other which is an extremely useful feature for those who want to prepare for specific games.

    However, this doesn’t mean that Blood Bowl cannot learn lessons from other games that could enhance the game when it comes out with BB3. omegle. Before we continue we must acknowledge that every game designer must balance the amount of time and money invested in developing features vs. the number of players it will benefit. In reality, if there’s an innovative feature idea that delay the release to players by 2 weeks, and it “only” helps the top percent of players, it could not be given priority, or may not be included in the game. This is why I am looking at features that I believe are not necessary to include or that would positively impact more than players who are elite (that is, given my status isn’t an elite BB2 players).


    Cult of Games Member

    In terms of esports games

    Dude….. SPAM ALARM!



    Kreek ‘The Verminator’ Rustgouger


    Holy Flip!

    I didn’t see this coming!

    With the previous couple of Star Player reveals being Chaos related (Angrim and Max) and the Khorne Blood Bowl Team dropping soon, who guessed that they throw out a Skaven Rat Ogre Star Player at the same time?

    We are getting quite a few star players (4) released at the back end of this year.

    Who first? Got to be Wilhelm for Halloween right? then the Chaos stuff in November? Possibly Kreek December?

    Blood Bowl seems to be picking up again after many quiet months.


    Cult of Games Member

    HANS! Get ze Flammenwerfer… ze big one!

    That’s a nasty looking rat XD



    Nice to see GW leaning into the absolute nonsense that is BB.

    Never thought we would get an official mini for Kreek, still so many missing Star Players from the 2016 game. We still don’t have the halfling on a goat and he is in the 2020 rule book! But if were a choice between a halfling on a goat or a giant Rat Ogre inspired by Arnie its Rat Ogre for the win!


    Cult of Games Member

    Maybe there is more money to be made with that then not selling big boxes 😉



    @sundancer probably right, if you think Deeproot Strongbranch and Zolcath the Zoat cost about £85 pounds from Forgeworld which is pretty much the price of the BB 2020 box. And pretty much all the other Star Players are 20+ pounds there is a lot of money to be made in single models.

    I would imagine Kreek is going to be a similar price to Zolcath as will Angrimm when he lands. So yeah a lot of money to be made!



    Myth and Goal Cancelled

    One of the things I often think the BOW OTT team could do better is follow a story to conclusion.

    We had so many news items relating to Myth and Goal, interviews with designer, articles stating M&G would be a Blood Bowl beater (until that headline was changed) the designer himself popped up in comments to talk about how great Myth and Goal would be, and yet he we are.

    The game fully funded on Kickstarter, and yet its cancelled due to “Myth & Goal is a project that is near and dear to our hearts, and we are absolutely in love with the incredible game that Needy Cat Games has created. It deserves to be embraced by the masses and be part of many collections. While this campaign did meet our funding goal, it seems there were many points of contention with regards to the overall direction and presentation of the game, its components, the structure of this Kickstarter, etc. The overall debut of this game did not meet the expectations set upon it, so in order to ensure Myth & Goal truly shines as bright as it can, we’ve decided to return to the drawing board in order to create a package that better reflects what more tabletop gamers desire and also to deliver a product that is worthy of the hard work the entire team has put into it.”

    Yet no word from the OTT team who championed this.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yet no word from the OTT team who championed this.

    Because OTT gets paid to promote… not to disclose why something went the way of the Dodo.  I’m pretty sure someone on the team would like to talk/write about it but given how short staffed OTT is at the moment I wouldn’t hold my breath for content that doesn’t generate money. And to be fair: if a project is cancelled it’s up to the people running the KS to say what’s up IMHO.

    But I get where you are coming from and I sure wished for a more perfect world where we would get every bit of information.



    I totally get they won’t come back to something that isn’t going to generate further income – its a business after all.

    I wasn’t after any kind of comment from OTT (they won’t know the ins and outs) but my point was if you as a company are recommending something so strongly to your community at least keep people a breast of what’s happening with a product you promoted so strongly.

    I would much prefer it if they dub their news messages “adverts” rather than news – after all 9 times out of 10 they are just copy and pastes from the source with a fluff piece added on about how “great the item is or how excited” they are.

    To be fair that doesn’t seem that taxing so they are probably overstaffed based upon copying and pasting!


    Cult of Games Member

    But keep it mind: video editing, recording interviews, let’s plays, unboxings and last but not least: build and paint. Judging be the amount on content that OTT produces on a daily basis I’d say they could use one or two additional editors 😉



    @sundancer well you have done a project on video editing get your CV in!

    With my good looks charm, eloquence and vast knowledge of games, I am more than happy to step up to write some articles and do some on camera work ha ha


    Cult of Games Member

    Interesting on Myth and Goal, I’d not heard that.

    After an initial flush of excitement I didn’t connect with it, so didn’t back it. It would’ve been nice to have another game of this kind (especially from Needy Cat as they have some pedigree in this area).


    I think for me it was the KS only release. We had a successful Dreadball league for a few seasons and there were more retail boxes being brought along than Kickstarter ones. For a league to succeed you need players to be late to the party but still get a game. Ah well, shame but one less box gathering dust.

    Thanks for sharing.

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