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All kinds of everything remind me of Blood Bowl!

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    Right, I couldn’t find a discussion group relating directly to BB, so I started one.

    Please correct me and redirect me if I am wrong!

    What I wanted to do is set up a forum where we can share ideas for teams, pictures of teams, and sites where you can buy miniatures.

    Also discuss upcoming releases and discuss rumours of things yet to come.

    First up we have two recent teased releases from GW:

    Max Spleenripper


    Scyla Anfingrimm

    Ben on the Bonehead Podcast seems to believe that this two Chaos related star players might be a precursor to a Khorne Themed Blood Bowl team.

    I am more hopeful we are going to see a ramping up in the release of a lot of the star players shown off in the previous edition of Blood Bowl with hopefully a stand alone Star Player supplement.



    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t know what the release schedule looks like but it’s good to see Scyla get an update (and a transfer from WFB)


    I think the chainsaw guy has been around in previous editions too.

    Personally I have the ingredients of a Tzeentch themed chaos team that’s as shamefully unfinished as most of my stuff.

    Probs the wrong thread but I much prefer Dreadball. I have a city move planned, being able to play a more popular game will be handy so Blood Bowl it is ?



    Yeah, I am sure you could get a metal version of Max back in 3rd edition!

    Do you think we will ever see updated teams for Norse, Amazon etc?

    They have been sat untouched by GW for a long time!

    Never played Dreadball but I did like the look of it – reminded me of (I think it was Speedball) on the Amiga Computer!


    Cult of Games Member

    Gawds Amazons. My last game of BB was my 90s metal orcs vs Amazons. Their dodge (?) ability made it an unhappy match up for the boyz in green.

    GW seem to be having tremendous fun with Blood Bowl (having a ball even – sorry) and I wouldn’t rule it out.



    If I could upvote you twice for that pun I would!



    Also as part of the idea behind this discussion group is to share miniatures and ideas etc. Thought I would link my current Blood Bowl Projects:

    Too Many Blood Bowl Teams

    The Chaos All Stars


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve little to add to that from this century but here are some Orcs from the last (also it’s an old vid, careful of your ears if you’re wearing headphones)



    that was pretty cool and some really nice work on those Orcs!



    Some good sources of 3rd Party Blood Bowl minis are:

    Star Player Shop





    Worrying trend developing on Forgeworld, a lot of the Blood Bowl star players are now showing as “Sold Out – No longer Available”.

    So far this seems to be the case with:

    1. Morg’N’Thorg
    2. Karla Von Kill
    3. Lord Borak
    4. Helmut Wulf
    5. The Swift Twins
    6. Skrull Halfheight
    7. Joseph Bugman
    8. The White Drawf & The Black Gobbo

    In addition also “Sold Out – No longer available” 

    1. Goblin Killer Kontraptions
    2. Goblin Secret Weapons
    3. Nurgle Rotspawn
    4. Dark Elf / Elf / Chaos Cheerleaders
    5. Goblin Dirty Players
    6. Minotaur

    There are other stuff showing as Temporarily unavailable, but it looks like the 14 above items are gone for good.

    What does this mean for Blood Bowl ? That’s a fair chunk of content from forgeworld gone.

    Some stuff I understand (cheerleaders at £23 pounds is a big ask) but Star Players that are currently in the rule book and Skrull who has only been out a short while? And the Minotaur?

    I would have assumed this was originally down to 2021 launching with two plastic star players, but Frank N Stein just dropped and he is resin, so this just looks mad to me.

    Although when the Plastic Varag Ghoul-Chewer went on sale the Resin one on Forgeworld was also removed. So maybe, just maybe that star player supplement might be a possiblity, launch a boxset with cards and plastic star players for all of the no longer available ones from Forgeworld?

    Thoughts anyone?


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t know if it’s the same thing but I’ve seen the same with Horus Heresy models. They’re unavailable then reappear with a new product code. I had Erebus and Kor Phaeron in my basket and jumped a mile seeing they’d been marked as unavailable. Some checking if they were the only casualties showed me the two bad lads still there.

    I don’t know if it’s related, hoping it is ?



    I shall investigate……not like asking GW direct will get an answer!


    Thanks Fella!


    Cult of Games Member

    It feels like GW are once again giving up on their specialist ranges – maybe recognising that third-party .stl creators are producing stuff just as good as their own output (in many cases they are the same sculptors GW sub-contracted for their own ranges) but are far more flexible/agile in getting lots of cool content out? It looks like GW are just focussing everything on shutting down anything non-official that challenges their cash cow, Warhammer 40k?


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi sports fans. Great to see a BB thread!

    I think that GW are looking to continue to grow BB and the release of BB3 digital version later this year/early next year will also help. They do appear to be putting more effort into the team box sets rather than the star players and individual models. Business wise, there’s probably more money in this approach. Just taking a look at Comixinios shows how many options there are for the star players that GW have to compete with – and all at a lower price point than GW produce them at!

    For my part, I’ve just finished painting my Willy Miniatures Wood Elf team. I backed the kickstarter two, maybe three years ago and they’ve just moved off of my pile of shame and into their new home on the shelf. Even convinced my son to have a game against them at the weekend!



    @blinky465 I think @somegeezer might be onto something. Just looking on Forgeworld and they are showing lots of Horus Hersey products as “sold out no longer available” (including Horus himself – and if they aren’t producing a miniature of him anymore that whole game system seems somewhat redundant.

    Although with rumours of HH 2.0 coming in October you never know!

    But you are correct the breadth and depth of 3rd party content means GW cannot (or won’t) devote the time to producing content for all of their “off the shelf games”. It’s a huge shame as Blood Bowl was such a massive part of my childhood and I would love to see them knocking the same volume of nonsense for it now as they did back then!

    A relaunched version of Dungeon Bowl anyone? Count me in!

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