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Agis' Star Wars minis

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This topic contains 14 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  a27cromwell 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    After the release of a Rogue One Pao look alike by Brother Vinni, I had to add him to the Scarif squad!

    Paodok’Draba’Takat, most commonly known as Pao, was a male Drabatan soldier who served as a commando in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War, and took part in the Battle of Scarif. Prior to the Battle of Scarif, Corporal Pao carried out a demolitions job on Foerost where he took out a communications tower similar to the one on Scarif. He was killed during the Battle of Scarif, along with the rest of Rogue One.

    more on my site:


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice job on Poa , What color did you use for his skin tone ? I just got him in the post a couple of days ago and am having problems figuring out a good color . And ,  do all the Imperial Assault figures really work well , look good with the Legion ones , or only certain models ? Just been watching Rebels and since the LHS has some IA Rebels figures I thought I might get them and paint them up .


    Cult of Games Member

    Very cool to see that little touch of the bigger universe shining through in Legion.



    @ a27 – I am afraid as most of the times my Colour help will not really be helpful…
    I used Vallejo 70.941 Burnt Umber with mixed in white. After that Agrax Earthshade and again the before mentioned Colours, highligt with more white added.
    Every thing more or less on the go, so no fixed Colours at all. Sorry!

    “do all the Imperial Assault figures really work well , look good with the Legion ones , or only certain models ?”
    Most do NOT work at all!!! Storm Troopers are most of the time 1 head taller!

    @ Dave – The minis are more meant for Imperial Assault or my own Victory Dicision Future Combat system…


    Cult of Games Member

    @agis My apologies! It’s a real shame they didn’t make the ranges scale compatible, so many models that could work in both!



    Legion – Clone Wars
    Soon after the arrival of Legion some back market models appeared, first scenery, then head swap conversion parts and finally full models.
    I was pleased to see that Mel (see my X-Wing models) is also doing some very good Clone Trooper!

    So time to paint some!

    From left to right, Phase II CT with DC-15S blaster carbine, ARC Trooper (maybe Rex?) and Phase II CT with DC-15A Blaster Rifle. So models are of good quality (the sculpts are in fact flawless), but some print lines appear and need to be carefully removed wherever possible. They are painted in the colours of Rex’s 501st Legion.

    The always welcome comparison picture:

    From left to right, FFG Legion Trooper, Phase II CT with DC-15A Blaster Rifle ARC Trooper and FFG Heavy Trooper.

    As you can see the Mel CTs are more realistic proportioned, while FFG has the chunky “heroic” scale GW look. Both are nice models by themselves!

    After the big CW annoucement I am even more hyped to paint some CW minis.

    All Clones from Mel, Yoda is an old bendy WotC mini.

    Mel also started to produce Jedi to lead the clones! Obi Wan Kenobi is the 1st.

    A very good mini with also very little printlines!

    And the always productive Mel also offers Droids and the infamous General Grievous!

    As you can see two of the 4 sabers are missing the brittle Shapeway material simply broke away and the saber itself was too tiny to replace the blade. Anyway I received a full refund and the model still looks cool IMO.

    The ARC Trooper are now pretty complete.

    Four ARC Trooper of the 501st Legion. One with DC-15S Blaster, DC-15A Blaster Sniper Rifle, Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon and one Trooper aims with his RPS-6 Rocket Launcher.

    The good thing with all the Legion hype is that the aftermarket is also booming.
    Several terrain kits popped up, one of my favourites are the Tatooine buildings in hard foam from Micro Art Studio.

    Luke and two Trooper (Imperial Assault) are getting into it in front of the “Desert Habitat” – right out of Ep. IV!

    more pics on my site:



    Great stuff @agis it is always a joy to read your threads and look at the fantastic pictures.



    I finished Agent Blaise from the Bespin Expansion/ Villain Box:
    Throughout the galaxy, Emperor Palpatine’s Galactic Empire has created an atmosphere of suffocating fear and submission. No one dares to speak out, and those who do are quickly and efficiently silenced. These terror tactics are the work of the Imperial Security Bureau, the Empire’s secret police. Anyone you know could secretly be an ISB agent, and these agents are renowned for their lack of moral compunctions. Only the most foolish Rebels would dare to take the ISB lightly.
    On Cloud City, the ISB operatives are commanded by none other than Agent Blaise, a cunning and dangerous interrogator and warrior.

    And the 3 Ugnaughts from the Bespin box are finally done:

    more as always on my site:



    Sorry folks, since the relaunch my [/img] tags does not seem to work, without them also, so I give up.




    Whats not working @agis?

    Have you tried the file upload?



    Thanks for the fast reply, 🙂

    if I use [/img]  tags in text mode, the linked pics are not showing,

    if I remove the tags the pics are not showing.

    In visual mode I can only upload pics.


    And uploading pics is absolutely NOT my thing, I am only linking pics from my site…



    ill have the tag thing looked in to 🙂

    What is the issue with uploading pics btw? One of the issues we habe had in the past is images dissapearing and breaking threads so its an are im quite interested in understanding the motivations either way 🙂

    Have you also tried the projects system btw?


    Cult of Games Member

    I will make an educated guess: @agis your IMG Links use http:// and not https:// Since BoW is a https site that mix of HTTP leads to conflicts. If using code to implement pictures the source should use https as well.



    Thanks for the input folks, please no worries, no big deal if it not works.

    regarding uploading pics, i just do not like it.

    i just see no point spreading redundant data over the net, linking is one thing, but doubling…

    projects – again not my thing, my project page is my website…  😉


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice work on Blaise , the shading on his uniform looks awesome . I can see why he’s angry , one of those little  Ug dudes stole the bi pod of his MG 34 lol

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