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A little help from my friends (to find some miniatures)

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  torros 3 years, 8 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Gerry going to hate this, Ben is probably going to love it.

    I use miniatures for RPGs.  Why I do this, why I like it is another discussion entirely.  However Suffice it to say that regardless of anything else I love imagining the world in my head, and via the artwork and then finding miniatures to really help bring those things to life – even if we weren’t using miniatures I would probably still buy and paint miniatures for all the PCs in the party!  But, what I really need help with at the moment is finding something quite specific.

    These days I tend towards the slightly smaller, 28mm “true” scale (for want of a better word) of the type typically used in historical miniatures, I occasionally let that slide for the Heroes.  Going historical has generally made it easier to get large numbers of baddies as historicals are just cheaper.  There are also now companies like Fire Forge and North Star doing fantasy plastics in their historical scales – even better!  But every now and then I come up with something that I really struggle with, this is one of those times

    The game is Symbaroum, google it because the artwork is beautiful.  It has a certain bleak quality to it with lots of watercolor style paintings.  It’s a sort of grim fantasy without being overly horrific or gothic, generally speaking it has an early-mid medieval feel to it.  Due to the actions of the party (and yes, mia culpa) we have probably got on the wrong side of some parts of the main religious institution, the Church of Prios (apparently killing Templars is frowned up, whether they’re attacking you or not) and will like now have to cross swords with them again, but we might also have to deal with an organisation known as The Black Cloaks, the closest real world equivalent being the Catholic inquisition in that they’re a monastic order dedicated to rooting out heresy and corruption.  What little artwork I can find paints them very much like the spanish Inquisition or Catholic cardinals, only they dress in greys and blacks rather than the often vibrant reds of the Catholic church.  Problem is I am really struggling to find anything that looks even remotely like that.  The best I found was some Monty Python-esque inquisitors and I don’t really want to go down the comedy route for this.

    So, over to you BoW, does anyone have any suggestions for something I could use in this role?  Ideally I need no more than 5 miniatures, preferably in a 28mm true scale and they need to be able to pass as a either Catholic priests or Inquisition.  I would prefer to avoid armour if possible to make them easier to distinguish from the Templars (who are also part of the church of Prios)

    All help greatly appreciated





    those are the ones I know off the top of my head, someone else can probably suggest others



    Cult of Games Member

    Not 100% sure if it’s a bit late but there’s the Vatican faction from Carnevale.

    For earlier there are priests in the Perry crusades range (e.g. these).


    Cult of Games Member

    Ah wait those are exactly the ones Gerry linked ? send coffee



    Not historically accurate but have you looked at the Frostgrave Cultists from Northstar?


    Cult of Games Member

    I already use the cultists from Frostgrave as cultists in the game.


    Thanks for the suggestions so far.  There are some miniatures there that I knew I had seen but couldn’t remember where.  I do like the Italian Clergy from the Perry’s and the fact that there’s mounted options too is selling them to me.

    Please keep suggestions coming though, there’s no such thing as too many miniatures


    Cult of Games Member

    there’s no such thing as too many miniatures

    That noise you heard was Mrs SG’s eyes rolling ?


    Cult of Games Member do various mediveal non combatants

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