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A good alternative to Age of Sigmar ?

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This topic contains 19 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  warbossd 2 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger : wasn’t meant as an excuse, I understand that more can be done to make the product more appealing and better layout, I was just saying that the look does not reflect on the quality of the rules. I also understand the preference for physical copies instead of pdf formats ( I always end up printing them and putting them in binders). There is no need to apologize for your own preferences, everyone is different, I was just attesting to the quality of the game and play experience.

    I have always just purchased the rules directly from Ganesha games in pdf form so have never run into the issues of redirecting to other sites, I can see that being annoying.

    Referring to osprey games, “Dragon rampant”and “of gods and mortal” both share a lot of the rules design of SoBaH and I would recommend both of them. “Of gods and mortals” is also written by Andrea Sfiligoi designer of SoBaH


    Cult of Games Member

    @templar5836 it is tricky to read intent in text, especially across cultural & language barriers. So all is well 🙂

    I’m looking at this from two points of view :
    – for myself … I can get past the lack of flash, it’s not easy but it is doable (it’s why I got Battlegroup which I didn’t like at first glance)

    – explaining those rules to others … I doubt I can convince fans of AoS to try a different system if I can’t show them art to inspire confidence in the system.




    If you want to play AoS without using the official AoS rules, your best option would be to dig up Warhammer Skirmish or Mordheim rulebooks – because AoS is basically just a simplified re-write of those.

    Personally, I would recommend Grenadier’s Fantasy Warriors or Alternative Armies’ Slaughterloo as a mass battle system, Alternative Armies’ Erin for skirmishes.


    Cult of Games Member

    Not sure if I ‘one page rules’ have been mentioned, but I saw that they do cover ‘fantasy’ as well.

    The descriptions are a bit lacking in fluff, but I think there is a ‘daughters of khaine’ equivalent in those lists too.
    worth a peek at the very least


    I think they could be ‘dark elves’ .. as some of the unit descriptions (like ‘snake lady’ and ‘harpies’) match the DoK equivalents.


    Cult of Games Member

    [Not sure if this has crossed your radar yet @limburger but OnePageRules – Age of Fantasy is pitched at being an Age of Sigmar proxy game.] – Just saw your last post :facepalm:.

    I tried it recently and enjoyed. It has a much flatter power curve  than Age of Sigmar. Things are way less random and swingy between factions and units within factions.

    There are some special rules for each factions units and faction specific spells but this is in no way as extreme as Age of Sigmar.

    I can’t comment on how well differentiated factions are in terms of tactics and styles of play due to my own limited experiences but if you haven’t checked it out I’d recommend it.

    Dipping a toe into One Page Rules – Age of Fantasy


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