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5 Kilometres from Leipzig

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  panzerkaput 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #1663923

    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning and has anyone heard of Five Kilometres From Leipzig beta version From Nordic Weasel Games or any of the games from NWGs? I think they did 5 Parsec From Home and 5 Leagues from the Borderland. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience of their games? 5 Kilometres looks rather interesting.

    Five Kilometers From Leipzig is a set of solo miniatures rules for black powder skirmish actions.

    Take a band of 6 trusted companions and slug it out with enemy military forces, guerrillas or native warbands. Suitable for the era from roughly 1700 to 1870, the rules allow you to play a campaign easily and quickly.

    Your characters will learn new skills, provided they survive the battle.

    The rules use a simple and straight forward combat system, combined with the solo oriented turn sequence you know from Five Parsecs From Home and Five Leagues From the Borderlands.

    Each turn, all of your characters get to act but the initiative roll determines who goes before or after the enemy moves, with the player assigning initiative dice as the situation demands.

    Solo rules are built into the game engine.

    The game is played with 6 figures in your “squad” initially, meaning you can get started on skirmish gaming without having to paint a mountain of figures.

    This is a beta test version to gauge interest as well as offer an insight into what a full version might look like. It is written to be fully playable, but it lacks many of the more extensive explanations you might expect from a fully featured title.

    It is also intended as a small stand-alone title for people to have some fun with, while we’re all sitting tight and distancing ourselves socially.


    Cult of Games Member

    Never heard of any of these but then again it’s me. The one being ignorant on all things historical 😉

    The concept sounds nice. What scale is that and how big need the table be?


    Cult of Games Member

    A project on Five Leagues From the Borderland was recently added to the site. It might give an idea of the expected campaign style.

    A Foray into Five Leagues



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks there @scribbs



    Cult of Games Member

    Sound potentially intresting and its a pay what you want for them too so might grab a copy of the pdf and have a look.


    Cult of Games Member

    There’s a lot of Five Parsecs content on YouTube if anyone’s looking to get a sci-fi feel of the campaign mechanics.


    Cult of Games Member

    I actually downloaded it @jamescutts and they are rather neat


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