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40 days and 40 nights!!

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  goggs 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So setting aside the religious aspects of lent I’m using it to try and achieve some progress in my hobby. As the title suggests  40 days and nights is my challenge window and I’ve set myself a goal of 1hr hobby a day/night for the duration of that window so 40hrs (I’m aware lent can technically be longer but that’s just the goal I’ve set). It’s really given me a fresh outlook on my hobby time and the simple fact of trying to get as much done as I can in an hr along with a little planning means I’m making great progress on multiple projects. Dividing my work load into hr slots has really structured the projects into smaller achievable goals and pushed it on more then I could have thought and I can say that this 1hr really delivers on the satisfaction levels while also keep the hobby guilt at bay. Overall I suppose it’s just good for me as a hobbyist. Anyway thought I’d throw out my hobby challenge suggestion and ask if folk have suggestions or structures of their own that help them get a bit of hobby time in regularly.


    Cult of Games Member

    god I hate lent and the very idea but this is a great idea, good luck 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    This is a great idea. I did something similar last year (though not tied to Lent – and now I think about it, I’m not quite sure why it petered out). But just putting an hour aside to do some hobby is both achievable and a great way to make progress on that pile of grey.

    I spend a lot of time in front of a computer, so at the end of every day (about an hour before bed) I’d sit and paint as a way to “unplug” and have some downtime. It was lovely. I might join you. When does Lent start?


    Cult of Games Member

    @buggeroff cheers ??.

    @blinky465 we are a week into lent at this stage but really you can start whenever would suit. I just used lent as the structured goal of the 40 days so that the overall challenge would have an end date which in turn would keep me motivated and focused. I’m the same as yourself, once family is settled to bed and work and home is in order I do the hr before I’m off to bed myself. I find that it’s also motivating me to do some extra bits, for example if I have a spare 30 min during the day I’d set a timer and do a quick 1/2hr to get the hobby area cleaned up or cut some minis from sprues etc. Small achievable goals but they in turn free up more time during that evening hour. And it all seems to stem from the bit of planning I need to do to best utilise the hr. I take that 1/2hr or 15min or whatever it might be off the 40hr total too which means I’ve some time banked if life means I miss a day. If you decide to try it yourself let me know and we can stay in touch about it.



    Yeah this is a great idea. I, like @blinky465, did something similar last year but couldn’t tell you why it stopped. I find the morning times better but that’s because I play RPGs online several evenings a week. I might try and start it back up again for the month of March. 31 days seems like a good run to get the habit back



    I have a goal to do at least one hobby-related thing a day, usually a bit of painting but it could be making up a list, building some terrain or a kit.. anything. It all adds up.


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly yeah setting the month as your window is a good idea. Having an end set really keeps the motivation going and prevents the ole “I’ll do it tomorrow” mindset creeping in. If you decide to do it let me know how you are getting on.

    @khusrau I couldn’t agree more, every little bit done helps no matter what it is. I set aside my hr the other night to organise my scenic materials into new container sets and the sense of satisfaction was real even though it wasn’t direct paint on mini’s hobby time. Plus I now have a catalogue of all my basing materials in clear containers making them visible and organised creating an easier approach to planning the basing of my miniatures.

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