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28mm Roman Shop fittings and furniture, Where to find them?

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    Cult of Games Member

    Oh my Blooming God, I have just wasted and hour and half of my life looking for 28mm or 1/56th scale roman furniture and shop fitting and could I find them, could I heck.
    Actually thats not totally true as Iron Gate Scenery has some, which are very good, but some of the stuff I want they either dont have, dont do anymore or is is not in stock.
    If does anyone know of any manufactures that do physical, 3D printed or even STL files from Roman furniture so I can place them in my shops for my Gangs of Rome buildings.
    Cheers for any help



    Cult of Games Member

    When you say “shop fittings” what exactly are you looking for?  Are we talking store fronts & stalls or do you want things like shelves, crates and wares? There’s lots of places doing medieval/fantasy market place items that you could probably get away with, I don’t think things changed all that much in terms of wooden crates and trays between ancient Rome and Medieval Europe – a box is, after all, a box.


    Cult of Games Member

    I am looking for Shop Counters, wooden, with and out goods on
    Bar Counters with and with jars and cups on
    Tables, wooden plain and with stuff



    Cult of Games Member

    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks there @sundancer but need to be more Roman


    Cult of Games Member

    Do you have a picture of what a Roman one might look like?  Because I have STL files for market stalls and crates with food in (I think) and I had never really pegged them to a particular time period.  I just always took the view that apart from the overhead canopy, a wooden stall is just that, a wooden stall.  I will try and get some images of what I have later and post them


    Cult of Games Member

    Fuirniture 2Fuirniture 1Furniture 4Furniture 5Furniture 6Furniture 3Furniture 8Furniture 7Furniture 9Furniture 11Furniture 12Furniture 10


    Cult of Games Member

    The furniture I can’t really help with.  The jars/omphalos I think that might be do-able.  I don’t really have a lot of interior furniture I’m afraid, only market stalls


    Cult of Games Member

    In the meantime, have a look through here.  It’s not all Roman, some Greek, some Babylonian/Persian and possibly some Egyptian.  But I think you can probably get away with most of it.  There’s even a full “Bazaar” set



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for that as any help is good and there are some nice stuff there



    Cult of Games Member

    Debris of War have some amphoras, other jars, and generic open bags of produce. No stalls or furniture though.


    Cult of Games Member

    So.  I Said I would get you some images of what I have.  This is stuff for a market place

    Market Stand 1 - Complete

    This first one comes as two separate parts which can be printed independently if you don’t want the canopy for instance.  There are also a ton of goods that can be placed on the stand itself.

    All Food




    Cult of Games Member

    I also have this “modular” market stand, which has both boxed and flat bed inserts.  I have provided images of a few that have been assembled digitally but you would print all the pieces separately and make what you need on demand.  There are also “empty” variants available as well, so again you could add your own stuffMarket Table - BooksMarket Table - WeaponsMarket Table - BreadMarket Table - CheeseMarket Table - PotionsMarket Table - Weapons Box


    Cult of Games Member

    I also have some kitchen items, namely an oven, a food shelf and a stove

    Stove cooking potstovebread-oven-completeFoodShelf



    Cult of Games Member

    You can also get things like Amphora STLs on Thingy Verse for free.

    None of my STLs are specifically Roman, they’re generic fantasy, so you might need to decide how close to your vision of what a market stall might have looked like in ancient Rome.  But I am happy to provide the STLs if you want them.

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