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15mm, 20mm, 28mm, GO! (UJWC)

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This topic contains 107 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by  ceppie 5 years, 6 months ago.

Viewing 2 posts - 121 through 122 (of 122 total)
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  • #1428817

    Cult of Games Member

    Razorblades on a razorblade!



    @unclejimmy Send Derek anyway. I have a list…

    Your scatter terrain looks great! Do you and Jamie have a game coming up?

    Reference the package: As I said, I’m sure it’s tucked away behind a few tons of heroin-filled teddy bears at Canada Customs. We’ve been getting stuff no problem with the new physical addie

    KV-1? F*ck me! So it is! At first glance I thought it was one of the original T-34’s with the boxy turret. Still a great looking vehicle. I need to get back into the WWII games!

    To stay awake at work yesterday I fired up a late war Steel Panthers scenario: lots of ISII’s, SU-122’s, etc. On the German side there were a couple of Panthers, a few Tigers, and even a Jadtiger. Great fun, but the T-34’s and Mk IV’s brewed up immediately.

    Mandela Effect: the weirdest example I heard of is the Monopoly guy with the top hat and cane never having a monocle. I could have sworn he had one.

    We’d never survive our spouses’ scrutiny if we worked together. We’d need airtight alibi’s…

    Great response to almost getting run down. Dog shit always sends a clear message.

    @limburger thanks for the rhino/orc pic. That’s very clever!

    @robert I think that nurgle model is some of your best work. I really like all the ‘extra’s’ you’ve got on the base. Makes it a right proper diorama. I hope your paint didn’t dry out!

Viewing 2 posts - 121 through 122 (of 122 total)

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