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Tagged: unofficial weekender
This topic contains 107 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by ceppie 5 years, 6 months ago.
August 20, 2019 at 10:24 pm #1428266
They don’t have a monopoly in shops, in the same way Levi, Dr Martins, Nike, Addias and a myraid of other companies don’t have monopolies in their respective markets. Owning your own retail chain does not make you a monopoly. And the rest of what you typed has no relevance to whether GW is a monopoly or not, which is the point I’m addressing. I can suggest some primers in economics if you wish, if you actually want to learn some microeconomics and theory of the firm.
Anyway, probably better I stick to posting pictures of toy soldiers, music and my garden, a much better use of my time.
One problem with mixing different ranges tanks, they aren’t all the same size! PSC Stug is noticeably smaller than the Battlefront version.
August 20, 2019 at 10:53 pm #1428294Proof of Life! Finally had a few minutes to post pics of the assembled Realmgates. I think they would be good for both fantasy and sci-fi. If I dropped a few appropriate bits around them they could also be used as stargates.
@unclejimmy those vehicle bits never arrived. You may want to track the package. Chances are it is languishing in Canada Customs behind crates of cocaine filled baby turtles… but you never know.
Damn! Love the Kelly’s Heroes models! The Zvesda T-34 looks great as well. Nice work.
OMG, if I worked for you we’d never get anything done… well… a lot of gaming and hobbying. Kinda the point, and I could use a change.
One of the guys doing gate security called in sick, and the gate sergeant couldn’t find a replacement and couldn’t get the guy who was already there to work an extra four hours, so I took half the evening shift, as I had trained there for that contingency. I thought I’d do the guy a favour by heading over to the gate half an hour early, and didn’t expect him to say “About fucking time you showed up.” I fired him.
@robert Well done on that Nurgly thing. I didn’t even see the little guy till you picked him out with that yellow. Good call.
August 21, 2019 at 12:11 pm #1428441I’m at work and not that busy. Doing something really boring and fighting to stay awake because apparently ‘falling asleep at work’ is ‘gross misconduct’. Boo!
Show me updates.
August 21, 2019 at 3:12 pm #1428456@robert , Flowers and AFV’s, two of my favourite things! Wow, big difference in size on those Stug’s. I haven’t bought a lot of armour yet, but have a few boxes of PSC Shermans and Mk IV’s. What do you recommend for American/British and German armour?
A kindred spirit at work. I also have this posted on the battle board project:
@woldenspoons I feel your pain. I’m languishing at work as well, and was rubber necking earlier. Time to go check on all my minions.
August 21, 2019 at 5:14 pm #1428518@unclejimmy – any word on those 15mm PzKpfw IVHs? 🙂
August 21, 2019 at 7:42 pm #1428593@ceppie the wee yellow dude was just added and I had just glued him on before posting! I’d have been worried if you had of seen him before 🙂 He has gotten another couple of friends to play with now.
I do hope I remembered to close that paint pot… otherwise it will be very dry tomorrow when I go back to do some work.
As for tanks for British and Americans… I’m not sure. Battlefront are a bit easier to build, less fiddly, but are a little bit more expensive than PSC and seem slightly bigger… my photo probably isn’t the best guide. PSCs availability has been fairly patchy in the last wee while as well. They have been producing a lot of board games and perhaps neglected keeping new products coming out in 15 and 20mm plus keeping on top of inventory.
August 21, 2019 at 8:25 pm #1428610@limburger – they are very characterful. I don’t get to see things very often that are 40K related! 200pts.
Jamie showed my a picture he had seen somewhere of an Ork Assault squad, but their armour all joined together to make a Rhino. Genius stuff.
The jeep got it’s name because of what went on in the back when you put the cover up. It is not called an “Officer’s mess” for nothing.
@robert – of course they have Monopoly in shops! I bought my copy in Woolworths. I just had to do that. 500pts.
Fine. I will bow to your superiour knowledge on the subject. Wacoshop IS NOT a monopoly. However, they are thieves and bandits with almost no respect for the customers. Maybe that is what I meant all along?
Beautiful Daisies. 500pts. Do you get a lot of Snails when it rains? Remember is advice if someone pisses you off: wait for a hot day, buy them and ice-cream, but put Slugs in it!
You need to clean your crack out too.
You are quite right about the scale thing! @oriskany would have a seizure. Better hide it. I still like the PSC stuff better. Sorry.
@ceppie – I was about to fund Derek for a rescue mission. What do I do with him now? Better sterilize the claw-hammer.
Those gates are rubbish…I can see the strings holding them up! -1000pts. I have the invoice from the PO downstairs and I can take it to the shop tomorrow as I have “something” to collect.
I am sure I used to right address, the new one you sent to me. There was some good bits in there. Good job I didn’t put the Forge World thing in there. It wouldn’t fit in the only box I had (one of the ones you get inside Infinity starter sets).
Don’t worry – I didn’t put your name on the Turtles. Your Russian tank spotters guide needs checking – that thing is a KV-1. Maybe it’s this Mandela Effect I have been hearing about?
We would need a really good ‘cover-story’ for when Heather started sniffing about!
I might have fired him and them give him a severe malkie. See, nobody has any decency about them anymore.
@woldenspoons – you have SJW’s and “health & saftey” at work to blame for that. My Uncle Jack was always sleeping when he was at work…he said it was the best bit. He died peacefully sleeping at work when he was 48. I have no idea about the other 300 passengers on the plane.
Can you not go to the toilet and have a cat-nap? Do it and if they threaten to sack you just tell them you are ‘trans’ or identify as a persecuted minority and you will be fine. You identify as a “female dream-unicorn” and sleeping is how you express it. Sorted.
That sign is brilliant. 1000pts.
@oriskany – they were posted…I have the PO thingy next to the one for @ceppie. I’ll dig them out and PM you the details.
August 21, 2019 at 8:35 pm #1428612Went out for a stagger this afternoon after feeling urrrgh all morning. As I am wandering along this woman tried to cut the corner of the junction where a mini-bus was waiting to turn. She even had to nerve to ‘beep-beep-beep’ me for walking on the pavement where I am supposed to.
As she drives past, on the path, I could her two bloated children giving me the finger in the mirror. I walked down the road she turned onto rather than the way I was going and she parked about 100m further down.
To that lady: your drivers-side wing mirror is in the garden waste bin three houses down. I also scooped-up a dog’s ‘shit cobra’, from that bit of grass opposite, and mashed it into it.
August 21, 2019 at 8:37 pm #1428613@unclejimmy where do you think I sent my sos from?
August 21, 2019 at 8:38 pm #1428614@unclejimmy I saw that picture pop up on my Pinterest feed too.
Orks using ‘shields’ that look like a rhino when they’re all lined up.
Here it is (note the ‘not ork’ text )Pinterest being what it is I can’t find the source …
August 21, 2019 at 9:06 pm #1428615@limburger – he prowls on these so it must be the same one. That is a pretty awesome conversion!
I did a Rhino that was Undivided and through the armour was growing ‘thorns’. However, to stop all the little scratters picking it up up I used carpet tacks for the thorns and poked them through thin green stuff to blend it in. Where the tacks broke through I left to dry as it looked very effective. It was super sharp too.
August 21, 2019 at 9:07 pm #1428616No worries, @unclejimmy – so long as you got the funds. 😀
August 21, 2019 at 9:14 pm #1428619Almost closed…less than 60 minutes to add anything for this week. Failing that just wait until friday! I am still slopping paint on scatter terrain. I gave up on the Foxtrot Ranger (for now) as trying to paint it so it even looks tidy is proving harder than I thought. I might give it another go this weekend.
I also started on the other Antipode. They are older sculpts and it shows.
The foot/rock was bad enough, but I had to fill it’s bottom with superglue and green-stuff!
August 21, 2019 at 9:16 pm #1428620@oriskany – we got them fine! Our postal system is terrible. That is terrible itself when you consider how big our country is. You have bigger lakes.
August 22, 2019 at 6:23 am #1428744 -
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