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15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

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This topic contains 75 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    My friend and I modded Doom ‘to hell’ pun intended. Our imps wandered the walks whispering ‘peek-a-boo’ and were so much more scary.

    Did anyone ever play the boardgame if it? I always wanted to try it because of the figures and setting. It was made by The Descent guys so I knew the mechanics would be fun.

    I’ve been further into the rabbit hole of redesigning chainsaw Warrior. I deffo want it with figures (sorry @sundancer). A 60 card deck should match your 60 minutes nicely. And a Nurgle plaguecaster casting a ritual should make for a nice world ending threat effect. This thing has legs!

    @h0rationosebl0wer that was exactly the impression he made on me too. I don’t have an airbrush so it was only minimal use but I did pick up some valuable tips regardless and my local painting guru pointed me to the corresponding Reddy brown rattle can to base coat him with.

    The other video I really can’t remember who it was but they were more likeable.



    @woldenspoons (15 Dubloons)

    I was not aware you repped. Is it rewarding?

    Thanks for the compliments on my miniature painting 

    How many iterations of talisman have their been?

    Frogmen as in the military unit? You sound excited but I find it hard to get excited by Mantic Kickstarters since they do so many.

    Sounds like slim pickings for the demoes, was it fun?

    You have plenty to play Titanicus with already? Cool! I love the old school stuff. Retro, they call it now?

    Replies are all good. 15 Dubloons

    @evilstu (10 Dubloons)

    10 Dulboons for feedback to others

    With Titans, shift work, irregular hours and uneventful time off gave me the opportunity to watch it all.

    How did the printing go?

    I will come back to your paintathon blog shortly, I like to leave tabs open and work on one forum topic are a time. This is one of those times. I’m quite particular today.

    @horati0nosebl0wer (10 Dubloons)

    Sounds like a lot of work ahead of you. 10 Dubloons for respones to others

    @blinky465 (5 Dubloons)

    5 Dubloons for responses.



    Okay time to see my son off, eat, set up hobby, watch ST: Discovery, listen to the music posted and check out the individual hobby logs!



    Music Feedback, Pages 1 – 3:

    @sundancer (15 Dubloons)

    I love it! Real trash metal. Sinner? Must look up more of their stuff. 15 Dubloons. Singer reminds me of a cross between King Diamond and Dave Mustaine. Guitars remind me of early metallica (Kill Em All, Ride the Lightning and part of the Black Album) and the drums of Iron Maiden (dunno why, like Rainmaker, Fear of the Dark, Run to the Hills and Fear of the Dark). A hint of Judas Priest too.

    Keep sharing music, please! 

    @horati0nosebl0wer (40 Dubloons)

    1966 Napoleon XIV – weird. 5 Dubloons

    Atarible Lie – Reminds me of the Nes Glroy days. 15 Dubloons. I love it! 8) And it’s a Nine Inch Nails one. Damn. Another 15 on top of it. You really hit it out of the freakin park in my books!

    Bjork – Different. Weird. Music Video is zaney. 5 Dubloons

    Vato Gonzalex – 5 Dubloons. Cannot say its to my taste but can see why it would appeal to others.

    Ohmie – Seems more club friendly and might appeal to Cybergoths. 10 Dubloons, I prefer this. It is like something the Joker might have on in a nightclub.

    @blinky145 (10 Dubloons)

    Wildhearts? Did they do a song called ‘Gorilla Radio’? An English rock band yes?



    Star Trek Discovery is good. Just primed a limited edition batman miniature and some Conquest stuff. Ill see how it turns out with the weather and if the coverage isnt weird with air moisture. Stupid Irish rain. If it isn’t too bad then I shall prime some more. Either way I have plenty to assemble, prime and paint.



    And now I am up to date and just started Season 2 of the Punisher.


    Poor Frank. He can’t have a normal life or nice things…


    Cult of Games Member

    Hi-de-Hi folks … yep, I’m still alive and kicking. 😀

    I spent yesterday with my nephew assembling the AoS mini starterset and helping him and his niece through the basics of the game, so that kind of takes care of my pledge for this week. 😀
    More on that after these messages …

    First questions :

    > 1. What board, card or tabletop game would you like to see be made again in print?
    I’m not a fan of re-prints myself, because I’d rather see something new instead.
    As such I’d vote for ‘Advanced Heroquest’ … the sequel that probably was one of (if not the first) dungeon crawler boardgames with an actual dungeon build out of hallways and rooms instead of a board.
    That game would have to be brought up-to-date though. It kind of sucks that hte ‘old world’ it used as a background is dead.

    Technically ‘Silvertower’ is its sequel, but that is a different beast.

    > 2. What new game or hobby release has you excited?

    The Genestealer cult faction … it’s weird. I never considered them, but reading a bit of the sneaky-as-heck rules they’ll have in 8th edition and I find myself tempted.

    > 3. That was something new and old in my last two questions. Is there anything different you are doing lately with the hobby which you are enjoying?
    I’m trying to convince myself to reduce my mountain of plastic/metal/resin … it’s not working due to GW being soo bloody tempting with their new armies. As a result I was thinking about getting a Gloomspite Gitz army done, when I understand how army lists work in that game.

    > 4. What games are you eager to play lately?

    Am I allowed to mention ‘Age of Sigmar’ ?

    Anyways … so ‘Stormstrike’ it was.
    Assembling is ranges from easy (Sigmarites) to not-so-easy-need-glue (the undead).
    I was glad I had packed my plastic glue (Revell contacta professional) and a knife to clean up the minis a bit.
    The undead especially suffered from gaps. So ‘easy build’ … I’d say meh.
    Beginners will be in for a bit of a shock once they try the ‘normal’ plastic kits though.

    The training scenarios are more than a bit unfair to the Sigmarite player, because you need a lot of luck to win them.
    Things were a bit less one-sided when we used all of the units (my nephew managed to kill the undead except for one).
    The final battle was simple : both forces on opposing sides of the provided map, ‘temple’ in the middle and go ..
    In hindsight I’m glad I ignored the ‘rend’ statistic, because the 4+ save helped to keep the stormcast alive.

    I think they enjoyed the game, so I hope I can get them to play more in the future.



    @limburger (55 Dubloons)

    Hey! Keep kicking!

    Is that the smallest one? Are you enjoying the experience? 20 Dubloons for spreading the hobby and the pledge.

    1. 10 Dubloons for yout choice. Silver Tower is indeed a different beast.

    2. They are a very cool looking army aren’t they? I want them too. Focussing on other stuff at the moment though. Ive seen some cool conversions for them online and got some ideas for an army hiding away inside my head. Soon my sweet… soon… bwahahahaha…. Oh hey @limburger didn’t see you there. 15 Dubloons.

    3. Ah don’t to that. The Gitz are nice. Well, Ive only put together five squigs (bought some online for my Mordheim Orcs) and they were enjoyable to work on. 10 Dubloons

    4. Yes you are, you have an AoS aficionado hosting this weekend 😉 Ah Stormstrike. Good stuff. You were prepared. Yeah, easy build is milseading. I fondly remember putting together multi part space marines when I was like ten or twelve with my dad after buying the 3rd edition 40k starter set. Sounds like you Gamesmastered that well. If they enjoyed it they will be enthusiastic to play again and be asking you 😉 20 Dubloons.


    Cult of Games Member


    The Wildhearts aren’t just any old English rock band. They are THE english rock band (even if they went a bit weird and white noise for a while in the late 90s). I prefer the early stuff. But almost anything with Ginger Wildheart attached to it is pretty awesome (check out Dont Be Happy… Just Worry and Earth vs Wildhearts for early stuff, 555% for later solo work). For anyone interested, the original band just got back together 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : yep, it’s the smallest one.

    And considering that my nephew already thought that there were many miniatures to assemble I won’t tell him about the Gitz (yet). *evil grin*

    It was fun to see how his little sister manage to cut the bits almost perfectly out of the sprue, whereas he wasn’t so precise.

    I probably will need to study the rules a bit better and find a way to transport a bit of terrain to make it more fun.
    And objectives too … the last scenario called for 3.

    We ended the evening with a game of Scrabble, which I lost … (because they had help from their parents and grand parents … *grr* but hey, they’re kids right ?)

    Anyways … definitely tempted to try again next time I’m visiting.


    Cult of Games Member

    Back from Hamburger Tactica. Geeeeez a lot of tables. I took some pictures but BoW won’t let me upload them… to many to big at once. So I posted them on my blog:

    Some previews:



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : Did the ghostbusters stop that Stay Puft marshmellow man ?


    (I kind of doubt anyone here can read the subtitles ;-))


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer great looking pics!

    @limburger welcome back 🙂

    Coffee and breakfast time…


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu : It’s good to be back 😀

    btw : I thought Koalas were threatened to go extinct due to lack of their eucalyptus  trees (sp?)
    I suspect you don’t eat the same food ? 😉


    btw … I noticed a distinct lack of pirates in this thread.

    We arrrrh! extremely dissapointed.
    So we is makin’ da corrective fing do


    Cult of Games Member

    Under Jolly who….


    @limburger I don’t know if they did… I ran away! Before anyone could ask me if I were a god 😉

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