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15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

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This topic contains 75 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, rereading the questions, board or card game at question 1…  while Mordheim did come as a box set there wasn’t a game board per se, and as it’s really a miniatures skirmish game don’t think it qualifies for an answer to question 1. How about magic, do kids’ still play that? /Ducks 😛 Seriously, though, that’s a tougher proposition. talisman and Space hulk keep getting re-releases so they’re out. Manowar is again not quite a board game. Most of the fun card games I’ve played are either continuing or newer games (Dominion, Star Realms etc). Hrm, maybe I’ll have to default to Heroquest too?…  Let me pencil it in but I reserve my right to edit my response if anything else comes to my addled mind…


    The Quest for Eldorado

    An interesting tile based game with deck building mechanics that is variable by the desire of the players. The setup for the maps have either a predetermined combination suggested by the creators according to desired difficulty or may be constructed according to the whims of the players. Each player is an explorer trying to get to the goal of El Dorado through a jungle using cards in their basic hand. Through the game players can purchase cards added to their deck in order to overcome the difficult terrain as fast as possible. There is some risk evaluation as to what cards will be drawn in comparison to the terrain ahead. Overall its a good game


    Oh Poo! A glorious game where all the players are monkeys in the same primate pavillion where there seems to be something not quite right with the monkey chow that night. Well, what’s a monkey to do, when one’s guts get to rumbling, but the inevitable of throwing poo!

    Great times are had with the feces flinging fun as you can proceed with all the shit talk you you normally hold back from polite company. Its really a cathartic experience akin to an intellectual enema sure to clear your mind of unwanted accumulation of negative thoughts/feelings.

    Its simple as you and your opponents try and land the most monkey muck on each other to 15 points of poo. At that point a player is eliminated, though there are rules for the special “Golden Banana” that can revive eliminated players back to half poo. As most people/monkeys, outside of niche subsets of select groups of individuals, don’t like getting covered in poo there are cards to dodge/clean/cordially manuever other players into the flight path of incoming excrement to avoid being hit.

    It is a great game to have introduced to coworkers in the past during slow points during a shift and introduce the phrase “Take it like a monkey!!!”.


    This is a game best played in comfort as the whole premise is snatching the nuts of others and protecting your own from their greedy paws. You and all other players are squirrels. This is a sad fact of life for you. The game only gets worse as, just as in regular human life, the one who has the greatest nuts is the winner. It cannot be helped as it is the cruelty of the natural world. Numerous wildlife documentaries narrated by David Attenborough tell us so. The greatest values are placed on Pecan pie with the infamous Nut log below that. The nut log has nothing to do with the afore mentioned game “Poo” but one does wonder since both games came from the same designers initially. I can’t say anything else really about Nuts as I haven’t played for a very long time.



    I’m out and about with my son today so will post response later


    Interesting and detailed responses so far guys: keep it coming!


    also more music and pics


    just assembled somescenery and  Aggressors last night



    @evilstu (95 Dubloons)

    You are welcome!

    1. What board, card or tabletop game would you like to see be made again in print? For me it’s the original Heroquest. I want it.

    Mordheim is a good choice, 15 Dubloons.

    2. What new game or hobby release has you excited? GW announced a lot of stuff recently. I could wax lyrical about it. What I want though is the new 40k pop vinyls.

    Is that the one player tabletop game? Has any minis been done for it? 10 Dubloons.

    3. That was something new and old in my last two questions. Is there anything different you are doing lately with the hobby which you are enjoying?

    You have been revisiting them for some time haven’t you?

    12 armies indeed, why not? Ill check out that blog. 10 Dubloons.

    4. What games are you eager to play lately?

    5 Dubloons. Sound like nice choices.

    I will check out the paint-a-thon now.

    15 for the pledge, 10 for the project log being set up and another 30 for what you have done so far. How many models is that? And all from a chaos black or skull white undercoat?

    Re Second/ post:

    I did say tabletop as well so its all good, any or all of the above with card or board too.



    @horati0nosebl0wer (50 Dubloons)

    50 Dubloons for the write up on all the games



    Pro mantic bias? What? If so, so what! You enjoy what you enjoy.

    I am a rep for Mantic but only because I like what they do, also the minis they have done lately are truly superb.

    Chainsaw warrior eh? Old school! 10 Dubloons. You very well could make it yourself…

    I could, I have the Here’s Negan tiles too. I thought it could be more Space Marine than chainsaw Warrior, with different starting profiles based on chapter. Then do an expansion or sequel called Chaos Space Marine.

    Me too! I want a Legend of Zelda one. Expand on the type of Talisman? The new one or the ones licensed out to to USAopoly? Havent been following hellboy much, tell us more.

    I’ve played various iterations of Talisman all the way back to the original. Still love it.

    Hellboy is a Mantic release coming April I think. As far as I can tell there are story mode elements to it and frog men. Mantic did an unboxing that is worth checking out.

    Which guides?

    One was the painting guy from Long War. The other I’ve forgotten but good tips are good tips.

    Define event, and what do you mean by Pathfinder? Is it like a rep thing for a game or is it more the actual RPG of the same name?

    I spent today demoing Mantic Walking Dead game to all of two people. Good fun though.

    Titcanicus looks tasty but the only thing I have any interest in with Mantic is Dreadball. 10 Dubloons. Tell us more about your plans for Titanicus.

    My plan for Titanicus is to avoid it with everything I have. You know, like I did with Kill Team.

    I’m sorry if my replies never seem full enough but I do 100% of it on my phone.





    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer nope, not gonna click on those links… Ren & Stimpy is best left in the mid-90s where it can’t traumatise me anymore 😛

    @mage you powered through titans in short order, glad to hear it as good. I’ll add it to my queue (although it’s currently along queue, not getting much time to watch TV presently so things are starting to back up as far as series throughput is concerned – still, nice problem to have 🙂 ) Nice progress on the dwarves and objective markers 🙂

    @blinky465 would love to be able to add lights and small motors (even water pumps…) to scenery pieces but my soldering is terrible so I’ll just watch your progress and get a sense of vicarious accomplishment if that’s OK with you? 🙂 Congrats on getting the painting handle prototype finished – a great initiative there BTW 🙂

    @woldenspoons yesh don’t stress – mantic are really stating to hit their stride I think (I NEED multiples of that goblin puppy launcher on release… and the new glider is pretty sweet too…). You reply on your phone? Wow, Hat tip to you. if I have to use the phone for more than 4 words I pretty much give up and wait until I’m near a PC…

    @horati0nosebl0wer Having a plan really helps output re painting minis. My issue is that if I plan too far in advance (more than a few months) I find my priorities shift and I always feel bad abandoning the original plan without completing it (Yeah, I’m sort of Type A about that stuff… 😛 )

    Spent the morning mucking about with my printer, and then after a late start got a bit of progress done on my Chaos Warriors. Going to get back to it and see if I can improve the red washes on the armour for the Khorne warriors and knights…



    Cult of Games Member

    Hobby progress for today, again because I am too lazy to retype…:

    Paintathon Update – Day 2; Sunday

    Also had a nice surprise in my inbox – some of the STL’s for the Rides of the Storm have been released – and they are the ones I was after. If you look at the project and scroll down the page about 60% of the way you will see a bridge with what look like perfectly Mordheim-y buildings atop it. So running a test print on one now at 90% scale (cuts printing time by almost a quarter and will scale better with historicals so figured I’d give a go before committing to a full scale print). at the risk of invoking fate and having a recurrence of last evening’s failed print (necessitating a realignment of the printer etc…), all working perfectly so far 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer I believe that we’ve addressed this before with the cover of the song by Neuroticfish but here’s the wonderful original.

    @blinky465 Your tech skills are awesome. I can’t say that I’m much for that in skill but I’m always good as a procurer of the obscure. To that end I will submit for everyone’s listening pleasure, as inspired by blinky’s latest post to his project, some 8bit chiptune tracks. I bought a physical copy of the collection at a gaming con a few years back that was initially a project to cover the Nine Inch Nails album Pretty Hate Machine using various synth programs.

    @woldenspoons I’m not too keen on Kenny Boucher from the Long War. I like some of his work but the way he comes off is a bit over the top. The attitude feels as oily as his hairstyle looks. I have nothing against his info as the airbrush work he does is great for tabletop.

    I don’t know if you might be referring to Miniac or Tabletop Minions on YouTube for the other Mantic stuff.

    As far as the phone posting I have the same issue sometimes. I will write out my stuff on a text program, copypasta and then email myself the info to copypasta here on the site. It really does help passing the time at work and allows for short burst sign on and GTFO.

    @mage soooo much more work. I need to finish some more things before packing it all up and heading out. Good to see how its all coming along.

    @evilstu Ren&Stimpy are awesome and should be enjoyed in there here and now. If not them then you might enjoy the animation from the studio as featured by Bjork while we give mage more music.

    Now for some heavy bass thunder (really, those of you who have woofers should take a listen)

    More bass!


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer that HLAH cover takes me back to the in-game WAD file midi tracks when we would play head to head Doom 2 until all hours of the morning back in ’95 – good times (and probably the reason my fingers don’t work so good now… Ah well, only missed the rise of professional gaming by a couple of decades I guess…).


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer nice chip tunes! I only chose that because in the original video I was listening to a Brexit podcast (which came out on the video) and thought it might be a bit “heavy” and inappropriate. When I’m working in my workshop, if there’s music on, it’s usually early Wildhearts or punk/ska playing.


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