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Reply To: Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW) Reply To: Well more "limited" releases that don't even last beyond the first 2 days (GW)


Cult of Games Member

Printing the cards’ rules in the book would go quite a bit of the way to making things right.   Even so, the game mechanic just works better if you have physical cards as you can keep them secret from your opponent as well as tailor custom decks.

GW could do rules summaries on cards as a nice ‘optional extra’ and if/when they went out of print that would be fine.

But if they’re going to make cards a standard and expected part of the game then they really ought to keep the cards in print.   And if they don’t consider these to be a core item that they’re willing to invest in to keep in stock (or at least to periodically replace / reprint) then they ought to make them downloadable or print on demand.   However they make them available, they should make them available.

Nothing about gaming is ‘essential’, but it’s both good business and good ethics to want to have a decent, mutually respectful relationship with your customers.   And in niche hobby product like war games, your customers aren’t just ‘neutral’ people who can happily switch from one brand of brick to another, they are people who are invested in your product and people you do owe something to.   It’s crappy of GW to treat their customers like this.

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