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Reply To: Noob help wanted with 40k Space Wolves

Home Forums Science Fiction Tabletop Game Discussions Noob help wanted with 40k Space Wolves Reply To: Noob help wanted with 40k Space Wolves



I thought someone would have weighed in on this before now. I’m not massively up to speed but I’ll try to give you a rough idea.

Then someone who knows but hasn’t bothered commenting can swoop in and rip my reply to shreds, it’s the interweb after all.

  1. Blood Claws are youngest and fightiest, pistol and chain axe and charge, Grey Hunters are the standard line troops Bolter and CC weapon if you want, Wolf Guard are veterans. Pack Markings on the shoulders are the easiest way to tell them apart, red and yellow for Claws, red and black for Hunters, Yellow and Black for wolf guard.
  2. Beyond what I’ve written above, I’ve no idea since I’ve not looked at a SW codex in years, sorry
  3. All terminators are wolf guard, not all wolf guard need to be terminators
  4. 2000 for ITC, power level I think around 50… not sure again haven’t really played new ed much
  5. For competitive builds you’ll probably struggle if you don’t table your opponent quickly, as I don’t think you can hold objectives with vehicles. For fun games, sure, go nuts 🙂
  6. pass
  7. the tournament pack will stat whether it’s WYSIWYG or not, but erring on the side of caution I would say play as they’re built
  8. the codex will tell you what the options are there is a lot of flexibilty in building especially with the wolves. Magnets may be your friend here
  9. GW have never, and probably will never, balanced the starter sets. Anything in power armour will punch well above the other contents
  10. Yes checked with Justin and you get the lot.

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