Rock Some New Soviet Heavy Tank Packs In Flames Of War

October 5, 2020 by brennon

Operation Bagration is in full flow from Battlefront Miniatures for Flames Of War and with the book now in the wild it's time to start looking at reinforcement packs. It wouldn't be the Soviets without big tanks and a LOT of them too.

IS-2 Guards Heavy Tank Company - Flames Of War

IS-2 Guards Heavy Tank Company // Flames Of War

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These particular tanks were the lightest and fastest of their model. They had thick front armour and an improved turret design which houses a 122mm gun. It was very good at smashing through the front armour of Tiger and Panther tanks making this a darn good tank to have in your collection.

We then move onto the T-34 Tank Company which is another familiar sight amongst many a Soviet army.

T-34 Tank Company - Flames Of War

T-34 Tank Company // Flames Of War

Mixing together firepower, mobility, protection and sheer ruggedness, this is another good tank to include in a Soviet force. With an 85mm gun on the front, it could go up against most German vehicles and they are so cheap you can field an entire battalion of them. More is more!

Next up, we're switching back to something heavy with the ISU Heavy SP Battery.

ISU Heavy SP Battery - Flames Of War

ISU Heavy SP Battery // Flames Of War

This particular introduction to the Soviet war effort was used to follow up a rolling advance and take out enemy guns and dug-in infantry, scattering them with high power shells. Heavily armed and armoured, they could take a beating but if you're worried they can sit back behind your lines and lob explosives over a greater distance if required.

You can also roll out the SU Tank-Killer Battery this time around too...

SU Tank-killer Battery - Flames Of War

SU Tank-Killer Battery // Flames Of War

Moving up as a medium assault gun you've also got this set of expert killers. Armed with some significantly hefty guns, these tanks can engage from long range and pound them with deadly accuracy. It's not all about moving up into the thick of the fighting for the Soviets!

Soviet Artillery & Armoured Cars

Moving away from the rumbling tanks we've also got some new sets which have been built to give support and move troops into the action. Starting out for this little segment we have a Heavy Artillery Battery.

Heavy Artillery Battery - Flames Of War

Heavy Artillery Battery // Flames Of War

This battalion comes with 122mm and 152mm howitzers which can be used to shake the enemy from their positions. This is the equivalent of hammering someone so hard that they just don't know what's going on and blunder blindly into the waiting guns of your infantry.

Maybe, as your artillery unleash hell your BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon could rush forward and strike at these exposed troops?

BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon - Flames Of War

BA-64 Armoured Car Platoon // Flames Of War

This armoured car was small and very cheap to build. It could advance down roads and quickly report on the enemy position, dashing back as soon as they could before the fighting began. I'm not sure that I would feel overtly safe encased within something that was both small and cheap to build. Cheap does not sound good.

What do you make of these new Soviet options?

"I'm not sure that I would feel overtly safe encased within something that was both small and cheap to build..."

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