Daub Your WWII & WWIII Armies With New Battlefront Paint Sets

July 9, 2021 by brennon

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Battlefront Miniatures has put together a huge array of different Paint Sets for you to use with your World War II and World War III armies. Want to paint up your Germans, Russians, British and more in the right schemes? Well, they got you covered.

Utility Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

Utility Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

Shop Flames Of War & Team Yankee @ Store.OnTableTop

The first of the sets that you will want to snap up is the Utility Paint Set. This pack comes with a range of core paints that should work for pretty much every vehicle and soldier that you're going to be working on. There are paints within that suit World War II and World War III armies.

World War II Paint Sets

THEN, we have all manner of paint sets for specific armies. We start with World War II as there are quite a lot!

German Armour Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

German Armour Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

German Infantry Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

German Infantry Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

German Waffen-SS Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

German Waffen-SS Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

American Armour & Infantry Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

American Armour & Infantry Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

British Armour & Infantry Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

British Armour & Infantry Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

Soviet Armour & Infantry Paint Set - Battlefront Miniatures

Soviet Armour & Infantry Paint Set // Battlefront Miniatures

As well as the World War II sets, you've also got a smaller selection of kits for World War III armies too.

World War III Paint Sets

In the same way as the World War II Paint Sets, these particular packs have been designed to give you all the key paints you need to paint the various forces that you'll encounter.

World War III American Armour & Infantry Set - Battlefront Miniatures

World War III American Armour & Infantry Set // Battlefront Miniatures

World War III British Armour & Infantry Set - Battlefront Miniatures

World War III British Armour & Infantry Set // Battlefront Miniatures

World War III Soviet Armour & Infantry Set - Battlefront Miniatures

World War III Soviet Armour & Infantry Set // Battlefront Miniatures

It is always neat having some sets like these which make painting armies a simpler affair. If you're diving into the world of Historical wargaming then painting one of these forces can be daunting. So, why not give these a pop if you're just getting started?

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"So, why not give these a pop if you're just getting started?"

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