Flames Of War Soviets Get Access To Rockets & Plenty Of AA

October 15, 2018 by brennon

The Soviets of Flames Of War are getting some new support vehicles as the fighting grows fiercer in Stalingrad. We start things off with the Katyusha Guards Rocket Battery.

Katyusha Guards Rocket Battery - Flames Of War

These truck-mounted rocket barrages were very dangerous indeed. They could be driven into position quickly and in a matter of moments, the area ahead of them could be blanketed with explosives, pinning down the enemy and in many cases causing horrendous casualties.

With the rockets watching the ground and keeping the enemy pinned the DShK AA MG Platoon will be watching the skies.

DShK AA MG Platoon - Flames Of War

Whilst it is touted here as being used for AA purposes (and it was very good at this) you could also see these being used to aid infantry divisions moving up through the streets. Once again, being mounted on the back of some quicker vehicles meant that you could very easily get them into position in the close urban environments the Soviets found themselves fighting in.

Lastly, we have some alternative options for those moving forward to important objectives with the BA-10 Armoured Car Platoon.

BA-10 Armoured Car Platoon - Flames Of War

These armoured cars were very good at dealing with the opposite numbers amongst the German army. They were, once again, very quick and could easily get into positions where they could flank the enemy and pound them with a rather healthy amount of firepower.

What do you think of the new Soviet vehicles?

"These armoured cars were very good at dealing with the opposite numbers amongst the German army..."

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