D-Day Anniversary VLOG! Building Villers-Bocage | Part 4 (Finale)

June 6, 2024 by avernos

Gerry dives into the third part of their Villers-Bocage Flames Of War VLOG which is celebrating the 80th Anniversary Of D-Day. In this final video of the series, Gerry takes a look at a map for the scenario and talks about a quick and cheap way of replicating its layout on the tabletop for the final clash.


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Breaking out a pencil and ruler, Gerry sketches out Rue St Martin and Rue Pasteur to give a defined central combat area for C and D Companies of the 4th CLY (County of London Yeomanry) to fight. The table is then finished off with over 60 buildings and plenty of bocage. This gives space for the infantry to dig in and watch out for the German counter-offensive.

UPDATE: Livestream Moved To Wednesday 12th June - 12pm BST!

This is a prime example of a quick board build using cheap cardboard road layouts, perfect for unique, one-off scenarios.

What do you make of the table set up for Villers-Bocage?

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