Pre-Order 15mm Allied Airborne Armies & Terrain For Flames Of War

August 27, 2024 by brennon

Battlefront Miniatures are taking pre-orders for a couple of new 15mm Flames Of War sets themed around the Late War period of World War II based around the likes of the Battle of Arnhem and Operation Market Garden.

6th Airborne Division - Flames Of War

6th Airborne Division // Flames Of War

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The first set for the British 6th Airborne Divison has been designed to give you a whole bunch of miniatures for playing out the battles around the River Orne and the Caen Canal. You could even turn them into the 1st Airborne and drop them into the Battle of Arnhem.

The set comes with a Parachute Rifle Company HQ, Parachute Platoons, a Vickers Machine Gun Platoon and more including some great objective markers that are themed to the fighting during this portion of the war.

The second set features the 82nd Airborne Division for those wanting to play as the US rather than the British.

82nd Airborne Division - Flames Of War

82nd Airborne Division // Flames Of War

As with the first set, this one has been designed to play out particular engagements during the invasion. You could use these to represent those battling during Operation Market Garden and, once again, this comes with a whole bunch of appropriate miniatures in one bundle.

This set has plenty of infantry but it also comes with a few jeeps as well which are going to be handy when getting from point A to point B as quickly as you can. I think these are great for focusing in on an army theme out of one box. It's really helpful for newcomers to the game and those wanting to maybe add a thematic boost to an existing army.

These two sets are limited-edition and speaking of limited edition, there are also some terrain sets for you to scoop up.

Limited Edition Terrain

There are three sets for you to choose from, all from the Battlefield In A Box, which means that they are pre-painted and ready to go once you've cracked them out of their packaging.

Manor House - Gale Force Nine

Manor House // Gale Force Nine

Cafe - Gale Force Nine

Cafe // Gale Force Nine

Estate House - Gale Force Nine

Estate House // Gale Force Nine

Each of these terrain pieces can be used to help bulk out a tabletop alongside other pieces of terrain or you could set up elements like the Estate House or Manor on their own as part of some larger, upper-class area of the countryside. All of them are going to be handy for those wanting to take cover from enemy fire.

Make sure to check out the pre-orders from Battlefront Miniatures and snap them up ahead of the release on 14th September.

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"Make sure to check out the pre-orders from Battlefront Miniatures and snap them up ahead of the release on 14th September..."

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