Weekender: Time Of Legends: Destinies Unveiled & WIN Sci-Fi Defences

September 21, 2019 by lloyd

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Come and join us for a jam-packed show this week as we've got a guest in the studio from 4Ground and we're looking ahead to an awesome Mythic Games/Lucky Duck Games campaign for Time Of Legends: Destinies.

Weekender: Time Of Legends: Destinies Unveiled + WIN Sci-Fi Defences

Weekender Podcast Download

Make sure to delve in and tell us your thoughts on everything we're discussing this week and you could win yourself a neat Sci-Fi Defensive Line from 4Ground and Laser Cut Architect.

Infinity Campaign Kicks Off

We start with an announcement that the new Infinity campaign, Asteroid Blues, has gone live so you can dive in and start fighting for your faction of choice.

If you've already been playing in this make sure to let us know what you think of the experience so far.

4Ground's Tinkering - WIN Sci-Fi Defences!

We also get a chat with Cad from 4Ground about what they have been working on recently including their collaborations with companies like Laser Cut Architect.

With that in mind we talk about some new techniques from them and as we mentioned in the show, make sure to let us know what kits you'd like to see coloured in!

Weekender: Time Of Legends: Destinies Unveiled + WIN Sci-Fi Defences


We've also got lots of goodness to dive into from the news this week...

What caught your eye from the news?

Time Of Legends: Destinies

We got to talk with Leo and Az from Mythic Games about their new project in collaboration with Lucky Duck GamesTime Of Legends: Destinies, which will be on Kickstarter soon.

Weekender: Time Of Legends: Destinies Unveiled + WIN Sci-Fi Defences


We also take some time to explore two miniature-based Kickstarter projects...

Let us know which British conflicts you'd like to see explored from the Medieval period.

Make sure to have an awesome weekend and we'll talk again soon!

Have a great weekend!

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