Warcrow GenCon Seminar 2024 – Catch Up! [Updated]

August 2, 2024 by brennon

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Join Corvus Belli for a pre-recorded Seminar for GenCon 2024 as they go through everything you need to know about the future of their Fantasy world of Warcrow! Hoopoe will take you through more Whispers Of Lindwurm and the future of Warcrow: The Wargame.

Gen Con Seminar Warcrow

GenCon Seminar - 3rd August 2024 // Warcrow

Hoopoe will be going through everything coming up for the next few months to a year when it comes to Warcrow. If you've been inspired by our recent Warcrow Themed Week then you might want to see what next steps they are taking for this ace Fantasy world.

Warcrow Schedule

Beyond Winds From The North Pack - Warcrow

Scions Of Yaldaboath

Nuada And His Red Caps




Drop your thoughts below and tell us what you think of the reveals when they pop up on the 3rd August!

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