War Of The Worlds Wargaming? All Quiet On The Martian Front Returns! | Designer Interview

November 21, 2023 by avernos

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Gerry sat down with one of the Abby Normal Media team behind Return Of The Tripods: All Quiet On The Martian Front. Could this new edition be a new breath of fresh air for this awesome 15mm Sci-Fi wargame inspired by the War Of The Worlds and alien invasions from Mars?


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Moving the timeline on, the Martians, having been thwarted during their previous invasion of Earth have returned during World War I where humanity has reversed engineered some of the technology to create new and more powerful war machines.

As well as a new set of quick and easy-to-learn rules for playing out your 15mm wargames, Abby Normal Media are also working on some brilliant miniatures for Mankind (the Germans) and the Martians. More is yet to come and this feels like a great passion project from David Pearce and the team.

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