OK, we need a cutaway during the next weekender. John sees Warren coming so puts his pants on his head and a pencil up each nostril and only says “Wibble”, trying to get rid of Warren. Cut to Warren who is listing off a long list of new projects. Cut back to John wearing a red gingham dress holding a glove puppet after Warren gives him a dozen new projects who turns off a small fan insisting Warren must go 2 hours W.O.O. as punishment.
OK, we need a cutaway during the next weekender. John sees Warren coming so puts his pants on his head and a pencil up each nostril and only says “Wibble”, trying to get rid of Warren. Cut to Warren who is listing off a long list of new projects. Cut back to John wearing a red gingham dress holding a glove puppet after Warren gives him a dozen new projects who turns off a small fan insisting Warren must go 2 hours W.O.O. as punishment.
We could start a campaign free the BoW one print t-shirts ?
Gee, did I miss the Boxing Day “John Gives Warren a Project” strip? You know, maybe, wash and wax (3 coats) my Sherman.
Let @amachan get to it first and paint it pink.. Then let John at it