Begin Your Path To Conquest With New Two-Player Starter Box Deal

September 2, 2020 by brennon

Para Bellum Wargames has put together a little incentive for new players diving into Conquest and wanting to join us here at OnTableTop as we strive along the Path Of Conquest. This takes the form of a bonus option for those who pick up the Two-Player Core Box Set for the game.

Conquest Core Box Set - Para Bellum Wargames

Conquest Core Box Set Bundle // Para Bellum Wargames

Pre-Order Conquest Starter Armies & More @ Store.OnTableTop

The Core Box Set comes with everything you need to play the game. On the side of The Spires, you get a Pheromancer, Brute Drones, Abomination and Force-Grown Drones. On the side of The Hundred Kingdoms, you have a Noble Lord, Men-At-Arms, Mercenary Crossbowmen and a set of Household Knights.

As well as the miniatures you've also got the plastic objective markers, dice, cards and a soft-cover Rulebook to help you dive into the game. Also, remember that you can make use of their Army Builder App as well in order to work out the best way to build your force going forward too.

Path Of Conquest Core Box Bundle Bonus

As well as the Core Set above you can also get involved right now and when buying it you'll also get a set of Steel Legion and Marksmen Clones which will help you grow your respective armies for free.

Path To Conquest Bundle - Para Bellum Wargames


Path To Conquest Bundle // Para Bellum Wargames

This would be a great way to get started in the game right now and prepare all of the miniatures that you need in order to explore the world of Conquest with us here at OnTableTop and with a friend. If you can find a pal to split the box set with then you're ready to go!

Are you tempted to dive in and give this a go with either The Hundred Kingdoms or The Spires? Watch out for more Conquest content popping up over the coming weeks as we dive deeper into this game.

Are you going to be snapping this up?

"Are you going to be snapping this up?"

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