Snap Up New Stormbringers Miniatures From DakkaDakka.Store + Win Your Pledge!

January 31, 2024 by brennon

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DakkaDakka.Store has hit up Kickstarter once more with another awesome collection of 3D printable bits, accessories and full miniatures for your Sci-Fi armies of the grimdark far future. Stormbringers 2 brings an updated set of bitz to the tabletop for your Viking-themed Space Marines.

Stormbringers 2 Kickstarter - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringers 2 Kickstarter // DakkaDakka.Store

Stormbringers is split between new characters, troops, vehicles, accessories and bitz that can be used to personalise your warriors of the far future. You'll be able to choose between commanders, vicious Sci-Fi werewolves and plenty of troops that can be used to reinforce your next planetary raid in the name of the All-Father.

Stormbringers 2 Contents - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringers 2 Contents // DakkaDakka.Store

The miniatures from the first Stormbringers project have been rescaled according to the new designs that you see here, taking them to around 36mm in height. They are going to be distributed free of charge to all owners of the original project which is a nice bonus.

Win Your Pledge!

For those who have dove into the project already, you might be able to win your Base Pledge by commenting down below here OnTableTop!

Stormbringers 2 Competition Pledge - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringers 2 Competition Pledge // DakkaDakka.Store

Comment Down Below (As A Backer) "I'm A Backer!"

As you can see, there is a whole bunch of stuff that you can get your hands on here. Backing the project is pretty good as it is but it could be even better should you be able to win your pledge and get stuck in with all that 3D printable goodness for free!

Pledge Options & Stretch Goals

However, if you're new to Stormbringers then you'll want to dive into the Base Set which features all manner of awesome characters and more.

Stormbringers 2 Base Set - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringers 2 - Base Set // DakkaDakka.Store

I like the character miniatures from this set in particular. Ulfrik and Yorr are probably my two favourites. The Berserker Squad also seems like an awesome set to snap up for me as I'm running the 13th Company and it could be great to use them when representing Wulfen on the tabletop. Or, dropping them in as an alternative take on Scouts. You've even got some big tanks in the set as well which are going to be ace to get printed and painted up.

Stormbringers 2 Test Prints - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringers 2 - Test Prints // DakkaDakka.Store

You can check out some additional finished miniatures and painted examples over on their Kickstarter. If you'd like to test out the print quality for yourself then you can also download a free set of Test Bitz from the folks at DakkaDakka.Store HERE.

Finally, there are some great Stretch Goals and Add-ons for you to choose from as the campaign ramps up. You'll be able to get some brand new characters, additional bitz and more as the campaign progresses.

Stormbringer 2 Stretch Goals - DakkaDakka Store

Stormbringer 2 - Stretch Goals // DakkaDakka.Store

I think that the terrain might be some of the best stuff in the Stretch Goals. That would be great for making themed tabletops but it could also be broken up to use as basing material as well. Could you be tempted to dive in and scoop up these new Stormbringers?

Drop your thoughts below and remember to comment to win your pledge!

" might be able to win your Base Pledge by commenting down below here OnTableTop! "

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