Let’s Play: Full Spectrum Dominance – Data Dump Scenario | The Lazy Forger

September 17, 2024 by avernos

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Gerry and The Lazy Forger get stuck into an awesome Let's Play of Full Spectrum Dominance. This is a fantastic 6mm Sci-Fi wargame featuring some of the best small-scale miniatures we've ever seen in the industry. They are playing the Data Dump Scenario featuring The Tech and The Enlisted.


Check Out Full Spectrum Dominance: The Third Wave Miniatures

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Full Spectrum Dominance is a great game for those who like intricately detailed small-scale miniatures that can be played in games as small as 6mm or upscaled to 10, 12 or 15mm if you prefer. The Lazy Forger will soon be adding a brand new wave of miniatures to the game so make sure to look out for those!

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