Gurn of the Every Other Week! – Going Cross Eyed
February 12, 2015 by dracs
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I like your detail brush Justin.
Seriously… DECALS!!! Fuck all this, we need decals! that’s all! I been checking Garage Kits models for diferent anime characters and they all bring decals with the miniature itself. It will be great if someone decide to kickstart a decal range for eyes that we could use on our models.
The other options are tiny micro markers or very tin sewing pins. And holding your breath is always a bad idea… remember Joey’s video about things we shouldn’t do.
Minis with their eyes closed or wearing goggles – that’s the best solution (avoidance)
magnifying lamps helps a lot for all detail work.
I really have trouble painting eyes on my 6mm minis… caused me hours or lost sleep.
Seriously the trick to eyes is not leave them till last I always base coat the faces then do the eyes then shade the face hides a lots of mistakes.
I just don’t paint eyes. Seriously, a 28mm miniature us so small, you wouldn’t realistically be able to see a person’s eyes from that distance anyway. What I do is paint the eye black then add a tiny highlight in one corner. The highlight is enough to give the eye a bit of life to it.
Great (and fun) article!
Actually I find painting eyeballs not that difficult. A tip is to paint the eyes quite early on, then if you sholud mess it up at least you won’t have to drop a nearly completed mini into the stripping liquid.
Painting eyes is hard.
Sculpting them is a royal pain in the genitals.
PMSL @dignity ‘s overuse of the word “Man”
Man! That was funny readin’, dude! 😛
Still rolling from that picture, Justin tell me thats photo shopped
I hate painting eyes. I bought a primarch model from forgeworld at salute last year. I *still* haven’t found the courage to start painting him for this very reason!
man, I don’t paint the irises, man, I just paint the eye socket area dark or black, man, and I dot in the whites of either side, man.
And man, that is actually easier for me to do than the other way round, man!
Two things that really help me:
1.Reading glasses – I don’t normally wear glasses but these are essentially a magnifying glass with depth perception! They’re only a couple of quid and make everything seem huge.
2. A fair sized brush with a good tip – you don’t want to go too small with your brush as the added weight of a slightly larger brush will give you more control.
The best top I’ve ever been given about painting eyes: “if you can’t paint them looking straight then paint them looking to the side”. This has been my ee painting montra since then and it works out almost every time.
I used to be fairly goo at painting eyes on my D&D figures, but then I spent far too many years painting fully helmeted marines and I fell behind on making the appropriate sacrifices.
Believe it or not, everytime BOW gets a cease and desist letter from GW, they just reply with those pictures.
lol!!! The pictures are hilarious!
Oh mate, thanks for the tips champ. I should own my visually impaired models with creative names, One Eyed Pete, Cranky “Cross eyed” Chris, and then laugh as my opponents suffer the indignity of falling to Patches the Primarch.
The word ‘man’ is used 14 times in Justin’s article. Man.
You should try listening to him 😉
Guys, I love this article. Do more. I honestly think Hobby tips from the incompetent should be a regular feature, it’s nice to see lighthearted stuff like this once in a while.
Just spent the last three hours stuck on the home page being hypnotized by Justin’s swivelling eyeballs. Trippy man!
Justin’s Gurn is terrifying – it’s like a deranged ( and somehwat constipated) hamster has eaten a ginger badger, and left it’s tail hanging out of his mouth…. yuurggh
I cheated: I painted the eyes white then use a 0.05 drawing pen to make a dot in the middle..
Why does Justin sound like a Prinny?
Justin, when you have finished writing an article, please do a search in MS Word for the words ‘man’ and ‘dude’ and delete all of them. These two words are entirely superfluous and only make it frustrating to read.
P.S. Dude! Man! Man dudey man man.