Fold Away 8mm Epic-Scale Terrain With Acid House’s Kickstarter!

August 14, 2024 by brennon

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Acid House Terrain are now on Kickstarter with their excellent new project bringing to life a set of 8mm Epic-Scale terrain AND a reprint of their existing 28mm Cyberpunk terrain. The unique element of this terrain is that it all folds away making it perfect for wargamers who want to set up awesome tabletops and then pack them away again!

Epic-Scale & Cyberpunk Terrain - Acid House Terrain

7 Days Remaining!

Epic-Scale & Cyberpunk Terrain Kickstarter // Acid House Terrain

The idea behind the Foldable Worlds range from Acid House is that you get highly detailed terrain that you can set up on your tabletop without breaking the bank. You get enough to cover whatever size of tabletop you normally play on and all of it folds away so you can pack it back into the box and store it. It's pretty darn perfect for folks who don't have a lot of space and also don't want to end up having to paint loads!

You can check out the terrain in more detail in these videos here...

Foldable Tabletop EPIC-SCALE Terrain // Acid House Terrain

Indie Of The Week: Acid House Terrain

Unboxing: Cyberpunk City Foldable Worlds Terrain | Acid House Terrain

In our Indie Of The Week segment (see above), we had a look at the Fantasy range that Acid House released. That set was great and the range has only got better from there. We also took some time to look at their Sci-Fi collection and the Kickstarter for the first run of the Cyberpunk terrain.

Epic-Scale Foldable Terrain

The new range of terrain that Acid House is working on is for epic-scale games. Epic-scale wargames have been popping up in the spotlight more often over the last few years and this range would be great for the likes of Legions Imperialis, BattleTech, Dropzone Commander and more.

Epic-Scale Terrain - Acid House Terrain

Epic-Scale Terrain // Acid House Terrain

What's great about the terrain from Acid House is that it's not just boxes. The team have worked on producing a range of terrain that encompasses bridges, detailed objective-style bases, towering skyscrapers and more. It is also durable so it's not going to tear and fall apart after a couple of uses.

Epic-Scale Terrain Details - Acid House Terrain

Epic-Scale Terrain Details // Acid House Terrain

There are pledge options for the cityscape as well as the military base and everything in between. You can essentially choose how much you want by "volume" so if you're looking for a full tabletop worth of terrain then you'd go for 100% but if you're planning on different table builds you can go in different directions.

Epic-Scale Pledge - Acid House Terrain

Epic-Scale Pledge // Acid House Terrain

The Epic-Scale range looks fantastic and feels like it sits in a good sweet spot alongside ranges and games out there. I could see it being a particularly good fit for the likes of BattleTech and Dropzone Commander specifically based on the design of the terrain.

Cyberpunk Reprint!

As well as the Epic-Scale terrain, you can also get your hands on a reprint of the Cyberpunk terrain that Acid House produced as part of their last Kickstarter campaign.

Cyberpunk Pledge - Acid House Terrain

Cyberpunk Pledge // Acid House Terrain

This follows a similar formula to the Epic-Scale terrain but matches up well to miniatures from 28mm to 35mm. You could use this for games of Infinity, Ascending Fate (coming soon from Freebooter Miniatures), Stargrave, Star Wars: Shatterpoint and more. It comes with an excellent selection of terrain for close-quarters combat in urban environments. As you can see, there's a lot for you to choose from in the box and that's just one of the set options.

All of the terrain from Acid House can be picked up from their webstore eventually but there are benefits to getting hold of the terrain via Kickstarter including a reduced price and some exclusive add-on options and more. Have a peek at the Kickstarter and see if it's for you!

Will you be getting some of the Foldable Worlds Terrain?

"As well as the Epic-Scale terrain, you can also get your hands on a reprint of the Cyberpunk terrain..."

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