Epic Dragons & Mighty Armies; Diving Into MaxMini’s Treasure Trove Of Miniatures #OTTWeekender

December 15, 2023 by avernos

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It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, we take a look at the immense treasure trove of 28mm Fantasy and Sci-Fi wargaming miniatures you can get from the folks at MaxMini! They have epic dragons, mighty armies of all different styles and sizes and plenty more. Their giants are exceptionally good and could be perfect for backing up your armies of destruction on the tabletop.


We take a proper deep dive into their Fantasy range as well as their Sci-Fi miniatures that you can use for all manner of grimdark wargames. If you're looking for some very reasonably priced Sci-Fi and Fantasy miniatures, this is the place to come.

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As always, dive into the comments and tell us all your thoughts about the show this week and what we chat about!

Updates - Get Stuck Into Dungeonalia & Win Prizes!

We've added a whole host of prizes to Dungeonalia thanks to a selection of awesome companies. Make sure to get your projects started over the winter period and dive in.

Find Out More About Dungeonalia

Big thanks once again to all of the companies helping make Dungeonalia awesome. We can't wait to see your projects as we move into the new year!

Indie Of The Week - MaxMini

MaxMini is a company that a lot of folks might know for their bitz and accessories but they have recently been expanding their range to include miniatures from the likes of TTCombat.

Check Out More From MaxMini

With that in mind, we look at the Sci-Fi and Fantasy wargaming options from MaxMini including some amazing monsters and some HUGE armies.

Tabletop Gaming News

Here is some of the wargaming, tabletop and miniatures news this week that caught our eye and made us go "ooooh!"

Let us know if something from this week made you "oooh!" and if we missed anything!

3D Printing Is The S**t!

You've seen the Space Nam range from Reptilian Overlords but what about their newer range of Fantasy miniatures for use in your Old World-style armies and beyond?

Check Out Reptilian Overlords On MyMiniFactory

Check Out Reptilian Overlords' Website

We have a look through their ace collection on MyMiniFactory but don't forget to also check out their website for more.

Tabletop Gaming Kickstarters

Could you be tempted by some hard plastic miniatures or perhaps a bit of 3D Printing this week?

Let us know which of these awesome Kickstarters you'll be backing to start your new Fantasy armies.

Comment To Win OnTableTop With A Dungeonalia Project! 1 of 5 Hero Forge Color Standees

Make sure to dive into the comments and let us know what you think of this week's show!

Have A Great Weekend!

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