Community Spotlight: Revisiting Warmaster, Sky Dwarves & Stunning Characters!

April 10, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Revisiting Warmaster by scribbs

We start off with a visit to the lands of Warmaster and a time of epic armies in 10mm scale. scribbs has been digging out some older miniatures from the collection and giving them another chance on the painting table considering they have been languishing for twenty years.

Warmaster Chaos #1 by scribbs

The focus has been on a classic Chaos army for Warmaster that is getting a new coat of paint. Inspired by another community member, scribbs decided to come back to these classic miniatures and try out a brand new paint scheme on them, using a previously painted Cultist as inspiration. With that in mind, some test miniatures got added to the painting queue and some great Marauders and Warriors have been coming to life.

Warmaster Chaos #2 by scribbs

It's awesome seeing these older miniatures getting painted up and back to the tabletop. The scheme really works and has plenty of that Oldhammer charm to it whilst also looking modern in its execution. I think the mix between the yellow and the blue works really well and steps away from them being too dark and brooding.

Warmaster Chaos #3 by scribbs

There are some properly characterful miniatures are part of the collection too with that bear-like individual in the front rank (above left) and the chap with the eyepatch (above right). The scheme really helps to show off the quality of the sculpting and why it might be fun to come back and take another look at miniatures like these.

The miniatures are looking great and the project from scribbs is good for those looking for painting tips for smaller miniatures and also the basing that you might want to go for when it comes to finishing off your epic figures.


Kharadron Overlords by holly

Next up, we're going to go and visit The Mortal Realms, a far cry from the days of Warmaster. Here, holly has been showing off some of her fantastically painted Kharadron Overlords miniatures with a great scheme you don't often see.

Kharadron Overlords #1 by holly

Based on Barak-Thryng, this scheme is a little more on the Sci-Fi side which is kind of awesome. The pale, bone-white armour is a great touch and looks fantastic when set against the brilliant orange of their undersuits. As is the way with everything that holly does, the final product looks great and the couple of characters we've seen popping up for the project are proper lovely to look at.

Kharadron Overlords

The same goes for the character above who has been subject to a bit of tinkering and kitbashing. Parts of a Talos kit were used to make the helmet and gives that extra dose of "Warhammer" to the miniature. It also feels like it hits a couple of those Confrontation vibes that you sometimes get from the Kharadron Overlords. Speaking of which, that certainly means that some other miniatures fit the bill as you'll see here.

Kharadron Overlords

This is a Golem Hammer of Tir-Nа-Bor which just fits the bill and works so nicely with what's already part of this Khadaron Overlords force. I think the basing really helps with the miniatures and ties them all together really well which is neat. Once again, some fantastic painting by holly!

It is well worth going to check out the project as there is also a rather fantastic flying machine that holly painted up which is much more menacing. Make sure to go and check that out and we shall see where this project goes. The ideas are pretty ace!


Sigvald & Napoleon by pmackay140215

Last but not least we have a look at some of the work by pmackay140215 who has been working on a few different projects. One of these was their work on Sigvald that really showed off the pampered prince of Slaanesh.

Sigvald & More #1 by pmackay140215

The work here on Sigvald is fantastic and you have to tip the cap to the work here on that non-metallic metal armour. It looks gleaming and must have taken a very long time. I think most of you will also have noticed the reflective shield that he's carrying which shows the dark woodland that he is wandering through, ready to claim his next victim. A brilliant piece of work!

As well as Sigvald, pmackay140215 has also been working on another famous face. The most recent addition to the project has been this special Napoleon miniature.

Sigvald & More #2 by pmackay140215

This was entered into a competition recently and I think it looks fantastic. The facial details have been picked out wonderfully and I like all of the attention to detail on his clothes and especially the robe that he has draped around him. A bit of tweaking has gone on since entry into the painting competition and it has turned out really well.

Sigvald & More #3 by pmackay140215

The back of that robe is gorgeous with a very sumptuous red. You've also got more of that non-metallic metal work on display here for the gold portions of the miniature, although not quite to the same scale as with Sigvald! Too impressive characters and some great techniques on show for both.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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