Community Spotlight: Sylvaneth, Infinity Soldiers & A Beastly Dwarven Army

June 26, 2019 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Forums and Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking pieces this week...

...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.

Sylvaneth Creatures by chis

We're starting off with a selection of painted miniatures from chis. I have always wanted to make a Sylvaneth force but never took the plunge. However, the work from chis is seriously pushing me towards ordering some!

Sylvaneth #1 by chis

The first of the miniatures that caught my eye was the work on this Branchwych. The colour scheme chosen here looks wonderful and really gets across just how good wood can be! I love the shading and the addition of those spots of colour across the model which help give it a bit of life too.

The Sylvaneth have also got a seriously 'wild' aesthetic going on and so I like when we see a link between these animated guardians and the world around them. You can see that here with the pink matching the grub behind the Branchwych and the pink flowers chosen to build up the base.

Things get even cooler when we see this addition to the force. I love the look of the Kurnoth Hunters in Age Of Sigmar and I think this paint scheme, once again, does a really good job of bringing them to life on the tabletop.

Sylvaneth #2 by chis

The warm wood matches well with the brighter colours that are dotted around the model and I think the fresher greens help to give additional accents to the model. I think it's great choosing green for the bow as it immediately hints towards why it's so bendy, a young sapling used to craft a mighty weapon.

I cannot wait to see just what's coming up from chis as this project develops!

Infinity TAK Squad by jockjay

We're wandering into the world of Infinity again this week as we look at the work by jockjay. This was a painting project fuelled by a love for an entirely different Infinity faction. So, these TAK soldiers have been painted up with a hope of selling them on in order to fund the addition of ALEPH forces to jockjay's collection.

Infinity TAK #2 by chis

This set of miniatures is looking rather bloody awesome I think you'll agree. I love the bright greens here which match really nicely against the tan. Whilst this is a Cyberpunk world, these troopers have been painted as if they are getting down and dirty on the battlefield with the rest of the front line soldiers.

Whilst it feels like a quicker paint scheme I think you'll agree that this works really well. The details have been picked out and the guns have had that extra level of attention. I paint mine and they always look like toys!

Infinity #2 by jockjay

The impressive work continues as we look towards this fellow too, armed and armoured for a big ol' scrap. The lighter green here is a good choice as it helps to make the walker stand out on the battlefield.

Infinity #3 by jockjay

I mean, this is a pretty massive model so it does that anyway...but this is a very cool way of making it pop. The use of choice metallic spots across the model is also a nice way to draw the eye to the deadly weapons and such.

Hopefully, this set gets sold and he can move on to ALEPH in the future!

Beastly Dwarves by aurorainbag & halfmileduck

Last but not least we're coming to the work by not one community member, but two! You might have noticed that Warren is getting some cool Dwarves for use in his SAGA: Age Of Magic games and they have been supplied by both aurorainbag and halfmileduck.

Dwarves #1 by aurorainbag & halfmileduck

The Battle Of Skull Pass proved to be the focus of their work over the first couple of weeks as they painted up the Dwarves from this old Warhammer Fantasy Battles set. Both the painting from aurorainbag and halfmileduck has been included in the project you can see linked above and they've done an awesome job of making sure that they both stick to a similar scheme and level of detail.

Dwarves #2 by aurorainbag & halfmileduck

As I've sid before on other shows, as long as you get the beards right on a Dwarf you're going to get a good looking miniature at the end. I think that I can safely say that both painters here have done an amazing job on this army so far. We're seeing a lot of work on war machines, heroes, regular soldiers and more.

Dwarves #3 by aurorainbag & halfmileduck

With folks working away on armies for Lloyd, Warren and Gerry they clearly need to get a game of this on camera now right? With armies coming out from the nooks and crannies it would be great to see them clashing on the battlefield so we can see the work of our community put to the test!

I have this set of miniatures and it was a great way to get stuck back into Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Purple is a great choice here as it helps give this force a royal feel whilst also being a nice colour which stands out on the tabletop, especially against all that steel and bronze.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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