Community Spotlight: Star Wars Camper Vans, Vegetable Fodder & Space ‘Nam!

May 10, 2023 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Star Wars "Camper Van" by robojoel

Leading the way for this week, we have something pretty darn awesome from robojoel. They have been working away on what has essentially become a big Star Wars "Camper Van". This new vehicle has been painted up to slot into some games of Star Wars: Legion but has been given a scheme akin to the vehicle from Breaking Bad.

Star Wars A-A5 Speeder #1 by robojoel

As you can see, this particular vehicle has seen better days. The Rebellion has not done a particularly good job of keeping this thing clean but then again, when you're being chased by the Empire or hunted by Droids, there isn't much time to get the soapy water out.

Star Wars A-A5 Speeder #2 by robojoel

The scheme has come out exceptionally well and I like how it matches up so well with the camper from Breaking Bad. Lots of additional work has gone into working on the interior elements of this vehicle as well and getting the pilot and cockpit done. Whilst the big "splat" on the windscreen is great for telling a bit of an unfortunate story of Ewok death, it also serves as a good way to see the pilot as he powers around the galaxy.

Star Wars A-A5 Speeder #3 by robojoel

As well as getting the Speeder painted up, it has also seen a bit of playtime out on the tabletop as well. The vehicle was used to smash into some droids and send them flying. Well, I say send them flying, the actual Speeder didn't manage to get rid of any Droids during its first outing. I would hope that in the future it will do much better and be a good way for you to transport your miniatures from point A to point B.


Turnip28 Fodder by scribbs

Moving on from the far future, we also have Turnip28 from scribbs. They can often be found diving into something Historical but this is a fun departure as they bring the black powder together with a bit of Fantasy and venture into the vegetable-based world of Turnip28.

Turnip28 Chaff #1 by scribbs

The Fodder that they have been working on are based on some of the miniatures from the Victrix Napoleonic line. They have then been combined with some 3D Printed elements that give you that Turnip28 vibe. What's nice about Turnip28 is that you also get to play around with lots of grubby basing bits on your miniatures.

Turnip28 Chaff #2 by scribbs

As you can see here, they have played around with some tufts and some roots made of wire which have been worked into different areas of the miniature. This starts to tell this particular veggie-based tale where the root vegetables are poking out from their armour and clothes. I was always told that if I kept eating chips I would end up turning into a potato and maybe this is the proof.

Turnip28 Chaff #3 by scribbs

A full unit of these soldiers has been finished off and will now form the backbone of whatever Turnip28 force that scribbs is planning on growing in the near future. It's neat seeing a breakdown of how the miniatures came to life and this should be a pretty easy tutorial to follow if you're looking to do something similar. Having a good starting point when it comes to a plastic kit and then knowing where to scoop up the "Turnip28 Bitz" is a good first step.


Space 'Nam by marine101

Finishing off things for this week, we also have a look at what marine101 has been tinkering away on right now. They got their hands on the big, muscle-bound soldiers from the SpaceNam set by Wargames Atlantic and Reptilian Overlords and were working to see how quickly they could get these soldiers on the table.

Spacenam #1 by marine101

Using a variety of Speedpaints and also traditional paints and washes, they were able to knock these miniatures out quickly! The plastic kits are incredibly well detail and they take well to the Speedpaints in particular, offering up distinct highlights and shaded areas without much fuss. Switching over to the regular paints for the flesh then allows you to get a good variety of skin tones, especially with a decent application of wash.

Bases also help to make a miniature pop and it was neat seeing what marine101 has used to get that proper jungle look. Bits and pieces from Amazon alongside kit from Vallejo has made these pop and I like how well it helps to blend the miniatures into the scene. It also works really well with those bright green outfits.

Spacenam #2 by marine101

As you can see, the unit came together really well and it wouldn't look out of place on a Death World in Warhammer 40,000. By marine101's own admission, it seems like it was pretty easy to bring these miniatures to life and hopefully, that means we'll see more of them taking to the tabletop soon in search of aliens to kill!

Spacenam #3 by marine101

The finished unit looks superb and I like that we've got a good mix of different skintones in there which, if nothing else, gives you a chance to show off those glistening muscles very nicely! The darker bases work as good frames for the miniatures and complete the look. A quick, effective and seemingly easy job that could easily be replicated by folks at home.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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