Community Spotlight: A Song Of Ice & Fire, Infinity + Clones & Clankers

July 27, 2020 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


A Song Of Ice & Fire by frederique555

We start off this week's Community Spotlight with a bit of Fantasy goodness before we dive into the realm of Sci-Fi on distant planets. frederique555 has been working away on some fantastic A Song Of Ice & Fire miniatures for both the Lannisters and the Starks. We start off with a look at one Petyr Baelish, also known as Little Finger.

A Song Of Ice & Fire #1 by frederique555.jpg

I think the choice of colours here is great to begin with and I like how the red of the Lannister House has been worked into his design, showing his fleeting allegiance to them, and then the additional black and grey which has been used to give him a more sinister look. The details on he face have also been picked out nicely and he'll work well as your character working in the sidelines during your games.

frederique555 went all-in on the Kickstarter which CMON held for this game so whilst this is just a look at the start of the process from the core box, there is much more to come. I really like, again, how the red has been used on these models and combined nicely with the gold and silver of their armour to make them feel as prim and proper as the Lannisters would desire.

A Song Of Ice & Fire #3 by frederique555.jpg

One of the elements of the project that really caught our eye is the detail in which frederique555 goes into the paints used for each step of the process and also that fantastic use of basing. I really like how the grass and flowers have been used sparingly across the miniatures to make it look like a more natural landscape that they are fighting on.

Also, as you can see here with the Starks, steps have been taken to give them really different looking environments to fight in. Here, with the Starks, we have a similar basing style to begin with but them a liberal spread of snow across it all to match their Northern environment.

A Song Of Ice & Fire #2 by frederique555.jpg

Again here we're also seeing some nice spots of skill from frederique555 who has done some superb work with the shields to get that woodgrain effect looking spot on. Removing the cover for them and showing the bare wood actually works really nicely I think and speaks to the no-nonsense nature of the Starks compared to the Lannisters.


Infinity by shingen

We're moving to the world of Infinity next and a bit of anime High Sci-Fi with just a few choice picks from this project by shingen. We know this fellow is a fantastic painter and it seemed apt that Gerry snagged a few more options from this project just to show them off.

Infinity #1 by shingen.jpg

Across pretty much everything that shingen does, we get a look at the intricacies of painting the Infinity range. These miniatures are super detailed and I think shingen takes a lot of time and effort to make these look spot on. For example, with the Yu Jing trooper above you've got all of that effort dedicated to making the under armour look as good as the yellow armour plates!

This miniature, in particular, was a really fascinating one for me. I love the aliens from the Infinity universe and I always enjoy seeing how people paint them up. The way the red has been done here looks great and the way it contrasts nicely with the alien green of the head.

Infinity #2 by shingen.jpg

Also, the basing is top-notch and gives you a peek at this world that the army has come to take over or at least sow discord upon. It works really nicely to frame the model and give more purpose to the pose that the miniature is in, sliding past the vegetation towards its next target.

Finally, we've got this freckin badass here taken from the Unit 9 Patreon project. This is one of their Private Contractors that works very well for the world of Infinity or HINT, another Cyberpunk world which features some stunning miniatures.

Infinity #3 by shingen.jpg

This fellow was printed and painted up by shingen so two thumbs up for both the 3D printing work on display here as well as the paint job. Also, I always love seeing miniatures placed on the tabletop in their 'natural environments' so there is another tick from me there!


Star Wars: Legion by bobcockayne

Last but not least, we're turning to the world of Star Wars and some Legion painting from bobcockayne. We start with some work which has gone into some old DUST walkers which have been retrofitted to be used as part of his Galactic Republic army in Star Wars: Legion.

Star Wars Legion #3 by bobcockayne.jpg

These walkers came undercoated in a grey/off-white which made them pretty perfect for use alongside his Clone Troopers. So, bobcockayne set to work adding a bit more colour here and there to match the badasses of the 501st (I assume from the choice of blue!). I really like the way that only a certain number of panels have been picked out and the addition of some graffiti here and there as the Clone Troopers work on personalising their rides.

Talking of Clone Troopers, you can actually dive into a pretty immense project from bobcockayne who has been doing a lot of work on Star Wars: Legion over the last few months. These fellows turned out really nicely with a good base of white which has then been enhanced with a bit of blue here and there to fit their particular unit.

Star Wars Legion #1 by bobcockayne.jpg

The same goes for the other side of the conflict too. The Separatists are also getting a look in and I picked out just some of the Super Battle Droids which are clanking off the production line.

Star Wars Legion #2 by bobcockayne.jpg

Again, this barely scratches the surface of what this project has to offer when it comes to painting up your Star Wars: Legion. As well as working on these Clone Wars era troops and vehicles, bobcockayne has also got a section of the project dedicated to working on terrain for use with Scariff and also the era of Rebellion from the original trilogy too.

It is well worth diving in, as with all of these projects, to see what else is being tinkered with.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it!

We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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